
出版時間:2006-6  出版社:機械工業(yè)出版社  作者:史密斯  頁數(shù):1020  




William F.Smith,is Professor Emeritus of engineering in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department of the University of Central Florida at Orlando,Florida .He was awarded an M.S.degree in metallurgical engineering from Purdue University and a Sc.


出版說明影印前言CHAPAER 1  Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering    1.1 Materials and Engineering    1.2 Materials Science and Engineering    1.3 Types of Materials    1.4 Competition Among Materials    1.5 Recent Advances in Materials Science and Technology and Future Trends    1.6 Design and Selection    1.7 Summary    1.8 Definitions    1.9 Problems    1.10 Materials Selection and Design ProblemsCHAPTER 2  Atornic Structure and Bonding    2.1 The Structure of Atoms     2.2 Atomic Numbers and Atomic Masses     2.3 The Electronic Structure of Atoms    2.4 Types of Atomic and Molecular    2.5 Ionic Bonding    2.6 Covalent Bonding    2.7 Metallic Bonding    2.8 Secondary Bonding    2.9 Mixed Bonding    2.10 Summary    2.11 Definitions    2.12 Problems    2.13 Materials Selection and Design ProblemsCHAPTER 3  Crystal and Amorphous Structure in Materials    3.1 The Space Lattice and Unit Cells    3.2 Crystal Systems and Bravais    3.3 Principal Metallic Crystal Structures    3.4 Atom Positons in Cubic Unbic Unit Cells     3.5 Directions in Cubic Unit Cells    3.6 Miller Indices for Crystallographic Planes in Cubic Unit Cells    3.7 Crystallographic Planes and Directions in Hexagonal Crystal Structure    3.8 Comparison of FCC,HCP,and BCC Crystal Structures    3.9 Volurne Planar,and Linear Density Unit-Cell Calculations    3.10 Polymorphism or Allotropy    3.11 Crystal Structure Analysis    3.12 Amorp[hous Materials    3.13 Sunnary    3.14 Definitions    3.15 Problems    3.16 Materials Selection and Design ProblemsCHAPTER 4  Solidification and Crystaliine Imperfections    4.1 Solidification Of Metals    4.2 Solidification of Single Crystals    4.3 Metallic Solid Solutions    4.4 Crystalline Imperfections    4.5 Experimental Techniques for Identification of Microstructure and  Defects    4.6 Summary    4.7 Definitions    4.8 Problems    4.9 Materials Selection and Design ProblemsCHAPTER 5  Thermally Activated Processes and Diffusion in Solids  ……CHAPTER 6CHAPTER 7CHAPTER 8CHAPTER 9CHAPTER 10CHAPTER 11CHAPTER 12CHAPTER 13CHAPTER 14CHAPTER 15CHAPTER 16APPENDIX IAPPENDIX IIAPPENDIX IIIAPPENDIX IV教師反饋表




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