
出版時間:2005-9  出版社:機械工業(yè)出版社  作者:崔秀敏  頁數:149  


《簡明實用英語》系列教材是根據教育部頒發(fā)的《高職高專教育英語課程教學基本要求》編寫的,包括《簡明實用英語——讀寫教程》、《簡明應用英語——聽說教程》和《簡明實用英語——教師用書》(每一種分為3冊)。本書為《簡明實用英語——教師用書(第1冊)》,讀寫教程部分每個單元主要內容有Part One:Background Information(背景知識);Part Two:Language Points(語言點);Part Three:Structure Analysis/Writing Techniques(語篇結構/寫作技巧);Part Four:Applied Writing(應用文體寫作);Part Five:Keys to Exercises(習題答案);Part Six:Translation(參考譯文)等。聽說教程部分每個單元主要內容包括Tune In(預熱準備);Listen On(聽力訓練)和Speak Out(口語訓練),各部分的錄音文字資料、練習答案和聽力材料所涉及的語言文化注釋等。


前言讀寫教程  Unit One  Foreign Language Learning  Unit Two  College Life  Unit Three  Western Holidays  Unit Four  Famous Persons  Unit Five  Studying Abroad  Keys to the Mid-term Test  Unit Six  Generation Gap  Unit Seven  Friendship and Love  Unit Eight  Birth Control and Social Problems  Unit Nine  Computer and Life  Unit Ten  Music and Entertainment  Keys to the Final Test 聽說教程  Unit One  Greetings   Unit Two  Introduction  Unit Three  Farewells  Unit Four  Making Requests  Unit Five  Advice and Suggestions  Keys to the Mid-term Test  Unit Six  Compliments and Apologies  Unit Seven  Expressing Regret and Sympathy  Unit Eight  Expressing Opinions  Unit Nine  Making Complaints  Unit Ten  Weather and Climate  Keys to the Final Test



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