出版時間:2005-4 出版社:機械工業(yè)出版社 作者:赫爾穆特·科普卡 頁數(shù):597
LATEX是科學家及學者首選文字排版系統(tǒng),該軟件尤其適合技術資料的排版。這本暢銷書將教會你如何使和LATEX制作出高質量的文檔,同時它亦可作為所有LATEX2ε的標準,并提供了大量的細節(jié)、實例、練習、提示和技巧,更大程度地深化了讀者對LATEX處理中益重要的組件的理解。 全面覆蓋了LATEX的基礎知識,包括如何輸入文本、符號及數(shù)學內容;如何制作表格及列表;如何添加圖形和色彩;如何組織和定制文檔等。 討論了更多高級概念,例如文獻數(shù)據(jù)庫、BIBTEX、用AMS-LATEX來擴展數(shù)學應用、繪圖、幻燈片以及信函等。 本書附錄包括安裝、錯誤消息、創(chuàng)建包、HTML、XML、字體以及按字母順序排序的命令清單及注釋等內容。
赫爾穆特·科普卡:德國馬克思·普朗克學會理論物理研究所前任科學研究人員。他曾參與編寫HP laserjet的TEX驅動程序第一版,并將TEX和LATEX引入了他所在的研究所,該研究所后來建立的科學出版物標準文件處理系統(tǒng)成為該領域的權威。
帕特里克 W.達利:德國馬克思·普
前言I. BASICS. 1. Introduction. 1.1 Just what is LaTeX? 1.2 Markup Languages. 1.3 TEX and its offspring. 1.4 How to use this book. 1.5 Basics of a LaTeX file. 1.6 TEX processing procedure. 1.7 Sample LaTeX file. 2. Text, Symbols, and Commands. 2.1 Command names and arguments. 2.2 Environments. 2.3 Declarations. 2.4 Lengths. 2.5 Special characters. 2.6 Exercises. 2.7 Fine-tuning text. 2.8 Word division. 3. Document Layout and Organization. 3.1 Document class. 3.2 Page style. 3.3 Parts of the document. 3.4 Table of contents. 4. Displaying Text. 4.1 Changing font style. 4.2 Centering and indenting. 4.3 Lists. 4.4 Generalized lists. 4.5 Theorem-like declarations. 4.6 Printing literal text. 4.7 Comments within text. 5. Text in Boxes. 5.1 Boxes. 5.2 Footnotes and marginal notes. 6. Tables. 6.1 Tabulator stops. 6.2 Tables. 7. Mathematical Formulas. 7.1 Mathematical environments. 7.2 Main elements of math mode. 7.3 Mathematical symbols. 7.4 Additional elements. 7.5 Fine-tuning mathematics. 7.6 Beyond standard LaTeX. 8. Graphics Inclusion and Color. 8.1 The graphics packages. 8.2 Adding color. 9. Floating tables and figures. 9.1 Float placement. 9.2 Postponing floats. 9.3 Style parameters for floats. 9.4 Float captions. 9.5 Float examples. 9.6 References to figures and tables in text. 9.7 Some float packages. 10. User Customizations. 10.1 Counters. 10.2 Lengths. 10.3 User-defined commands. 10.4 User-defined environments. 10.5 Some comments on user-defined structures.II. BEYOND THE BASICS. 11. Document Management. 11.1 Processing parts of a document. 11.2 In-text references. 11.3 Bibliographies. 11.4 Keyword index. 12. Bibliographic Databases and BibTeX. 12.1 The BibTeX program. 12.2 Creating a bibliographic database. 12.3 Customizing bibliography styles. 13. PostScript and PDF. 13.1 LaTeX and PostScript. 13.2 Portable Document Format. 14. Multilingual LaTeX. 14.1 The babel system. 14.2 Contents of the language.dat file. 15. Math Extensions with AMS-LaTeX. 15.1 Invoking AMS-LaTeX. 15.2 Standard features of AMS-LaTeX. 15.3 Further AMS-LaTeX packages. 15.4 The AMS fonts. 16. Drawing with LaTeX. 16.1 The picture environment. 16.2 Extended pictures. 16.3 Other drawing packages. 17. Presentation Material. 17.1 Slide production with slides class. 17.2 Slide production with seminar. 17.3 Slide production with the prosper class. 17.4 Electronic documents for screen viewing. 17.5 Special effects with PDF. 18. Letters. 18.1 The LaTeX letter class. 18.2 A house letter style. 18.3 A model letter customization. 18.4 APPENDICES. Appendices A: The New Font Selection Scheme. Font attributes under NFSS. Simplified font selection. Font encoding. B: Installing and Maintaining LaTeX. Installing LaTeX. Obtaining the Adobe euro fonts. TeX directory structure. The CTAN servers. Additional standard files. The various LaTeX files. C: Error Messages. Basic structure of error messages. Some sample errors. List of LaTeX error messages. TeX error messages. Warnings. Search for subtle errors. D: LaTeX Programming. Class and package files. LaTeX programming commands. Changing preprogrammed text. Direct typing of special letters. Alternatives for special symbols. Managing code and documentation. E. LaTeX and the World Wide Web. Converting to HTML. The Extensible Markup Language: XML. F: Obsolete LaTeX. The 2.09 preamble. Font selection. Obsolete means obsolete. G: Command Summary. Brief description of the LaTeX commands. Summary tables and figures.Bibliography. Index