
出版時間:2004-5  出版社:機械工業(yè)出版社  作者:杰拉爾德凱勒  頁數(shù):670  


本書使用較少的概率知識,從各個應(yīng)用層面,通過豐富的案例分析和讀者自己動手的應(yīng)用實例,講解了應(yīng)用統(tǒng)計的基本內(nèi)容。本書系統(tǒng)地闡述了如何正確收集數(shù)據(jù)資料,如何使用Microsoft Excel軟件進行統(tǒng)計分析,應(yīng)如何從中得到有意義的統(tǒng)計結(jié)論。使用此書不需要微積分基礎(chǔ),只要具有高中的數(shù)學(xué)水平可以通覽全書。




出版說明序1 WHAT IS STATISTICS? 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Key Statistical Concepts 1.3 Statistics and the Computer 1.4 World Wide Web and Learning Center APPENDIX 1.A:Introducation to Microsoft Excel2 GRAPHICAL DESCRIPTIVE TECHNIQUES 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Types of Data 2.3 Graphically Describing Interval Data:Frequency Distributions and Histograms 2.4 Graphically Describing Nominal Data:Bar and Pie Charts 2.5 Describing Time-Series Data:Line Charts 2.6 Describing the Relationship between Two Interval Variables:Scatter Diagrams 2.7 Summary3 NUMERICAL DESCRIPTIVE TECHNIQUES FOR INTERVAL DATA 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Measures of Central Location 3.3 Measures of Variability 3.4 Other Measures of Shape(Optional) 3.5 Measures of Relative Standing and Box Plots 3.6 Measures of Linear Relationship 3.7 General Guidelines for Exploring Data 3.8 Summary4 PROBABILITY 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Assigning Probability to Events 4.3 Joint,Marginal,and Conditional Probability 4.4 Probability Rules and Trees 4.5 Summary CASE 4.1 Let's Make a Deal CASE 4.2 To Bunt or Not to Bunt,That Is the Question5 RANDOM VARIABLES AND DISCRETE PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Random Variables and Probability Distributions 5.3 Describing the Population/Probability Distribution 5.4 Binomial Distribution 5.5 Poisson Distribution 5.6 Summary CASE 5.1 To Bunt or Not to Bunt,That Is the Question,Part Ⅱ6 CONTINUOUS PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Probability Density Functions 6.3 Normal Distribution 6.4 Other Continuous Distributions 6.5 Summary7 SAMPLING AND SAMPLING PLANS 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Sampling 7.3 Sampling Plans 7.4 Errors Involved in Sampling 7.5 Summary8 SAMPLING DISTRIBUTIONS 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Sampling Distribution of the Mean 8.3 Creating the Sampling Distribution by Computer Simulation(Optional) 8.4 Sampling Distribution of a Proportion 8.5 Sampling Distribution of the Difference between Two Means 8.6 From Here to Inference 8.7 Summary9 INTRODUCTION TO ESTIMATION10 INTRODUCTION TO HYPOTHESIS TESTING 11 INFERENCE ABOUT A SINGLE POPULATION12 INFERENCE ABOUT TWO POPULATIONS13 STATISTICAL INFERENCE:REVIEW OF CHAPTERS 11 AND 1214 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE15 CHI-SQUARED TESTS16 NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES17 SIMPLE LINEAR REGRESSION AND CORRELATION18 MULTIPLE REGRESSION19 STATISTICAL INFERENCE:CONCLUSIONAppendix A Sample Statistics from Data Files in Chapters 9 and 10Appendix B TablesAppendix C Answers to Selected Even-Numbered ExercisesIndex教輔材料申請表








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