
出版時(shí)間:2004-5  出版社:機(jī)械工業(yè)出版社  作者:南希C.維達(dá)  頁(yè)數(shù):370  




1 Creative Operations Management Problem Solving:A Decision-Making Approach 1.1 Managerial Decision Making 1.2 The Intelligence Phase of the Decision-Making Process 1.3 The Design Phase of the Decision-Making Process 1.4 The Choice Phase of the Decision-Making Process 1.5 An Example:Jackets versus Scrap at the UNEEDA Corporation 1.6 Concluding Comments EXERCISES2 Forecasting 2.1 Forecasting at the LastEver Corporation 2.2 Patterns of Data 2.3 forecasting Approaches 2.4 Time Series Analysis 2.5 Concluding Comments EXERCISES3 Advanced Forecasting 3.1 Extrapolation from the Past 3.2 Regression Analysis 3.3 Cyclical and Seasonal Issues 3.4 Concluding Comments EXERCISES4 Planning Models 4.1 The Basic Planning Problem 4.2 The Basic Pricing Problem 4.3 Nonlinear Cost and Demand Functions 4.4 Preparing a Five-Year Plan 4.5 The Impact of Pricing 4.6 Concluding Comments EXERCISES5 Aggregate Planning and Learning Curves 5.1 The Nature of Aggregate Planning 5.2 Tradeoffs between Production and Inventory 5.3 Learning Curves 5.4 Concluding Comments EXERCISES6 Inventory 6.1 Why Hold Inventory? 6.2 The Cost of Inventory 6.3 Cyclic Inventory Control 6.4 The Economic Order Quantity Model 6.5 What-If Scenarios 6.6 EOQ Model with Price Breaks 6.7 Economic Production Lot Size Model 6.8 Single-Period Models with Probabilistic Demand 6.9 Multi-Period Models with Probabilistic Demand 6.10 Concluding Comments EXERCISES7 Material Requirements Planning 7.1 Where MRP Fits In 7.2 Master Production Schedule 7.3 Bill of Materials 7.4 A Simple MRP Example 7.5 Rolling the MRP Schedule 7.6 Adding Allocated Inventory and Safety Stock 7.7 A More Complex MRP Example 7.8 Dealing with Multiple Products 7.9 Problems at Central Products Incorporated 7.10 Concluding Comments EXERCISES8 Quality:Monitoring Processes Using Charts 8.1 Monitoring Processes by Charts:Looking at the Data 8.2 Mean Charts 8.3 The Run Chart 8.4 The R(Range)Chart 8.5 Standard Deviation Charts 8.6 Using These Charts 8.7 Control Charts for Attribute Data 8.8 Other Quality Control Charts 8.9 Concluding Comments EXERCISES9 Machine Replacement and Maintenance 9.1 Machine Replacement Decisions 9.2 Machine Maintenance Decisions 9.3 Group Maintenance Decisions 9.4 Concluding Comments EXERCISES10 Project Management 10.1 The Project 10.2 The Professor 10.3 Network Diagrams 10.4 Probabilities 10.5 Crunching 10.6 Concluding Comments EXERCISES11 Facility Location Decisions 11.1 Factor Weighting 11.2 Center-of-Gravity Method 11.3 Cost-Volume Analysis 11.4 Concluding Comments EXERCISES12 Risk Analysis and Simulation 12.1 Problems Where Uncertainty Is Important 12.2 Working the Cough Drop Problem 12.3 Generating Random Numbers 12.4 Break-Even Analysis under Uncertainty:A Case Study 12.5 The Farmer's Problem:Dependent Random Variables 12.6 Concluding Comments EXERCISES13 Simulating Operations Management Processes 13.1 The Network-Flow Production Process 13.2 The Matchstick Shuffling System 13.3 The Copy Machine Problem 13.4 Why Projects Are Late 13.5 The Single Station System 13.6 Concluding Comments EXERCISES14 Resource Allocation:Applied Constraint Management 14.1 Making Mathematical Programming Relevant for Operations Management 14.2 A Production Planning Support System 14.3 A Transportation Problem 14.4 Concluding Comments EXERCISESAppendix A Using ExcelAppendix B The ModelsFor Further ReadingIndex


書評(píng)運(yùn)籌管理研究的是商品生產(chǎn)和服務(wù)中的變化過(guò)程。本書講授的是如何用Excel分析管理中的問題,使決策者能更好更容易地作出決定。      當(dāng)今的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)和風(fēng)云變幻的全球市場(chǎng)使掌握相關(guān)的定量的建模方法成為當(dāng)務(wù)之急,所以管理者應(yīng)當(dāng)掌握更新更強(qiáng)大的管理工具。用Excel建構(gòu)模型,可以解決學(xué)習(xí)運(yùn)籌管理時(shí)最令人頭痛的計(jì)算繁瑣問題。然而本書又強(qiáng)調(diào)了決策的做出需要仔細(xì)地思考和構(gòu)思,避免了只能用Excel作簡(jiǎn)單計(jì)算的錯(cuò)覺。


  運(yùn)籌管理研究的是商品生產(chǎn)和服務(wù)中的變化過(guò)程。本書講授的是如何用Excel分析管理中的問題,使決策者能更好更容易地作出決定。  當(dāng)今的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)和風(fēng)云變幻的全球市場(chǎng)使掌握相關(guān)的定量的建模方法成為當(dāng)務(wù)之急,所以管理者應(yīng)當(dāng)掌握更新更強(qiáng)大的管理工具。用Excel建構(gòu)模型,可以解決學(xué)習(xí)運(yùn)籌管理時(shí)最令人頭痛的計(jì)算繁瑣問題。然而本書又強(qiáng)調(diào)了決策的做出需要仔細(xì)地思考和構(gòu)思,避免了只能用Excel作簡(jiǎn)單計(jì)算的錯(cuò)覺。





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