
出版時間:2004-01-01  出版社:機械工業(yè)出版社  作者:[美] Stephen E.Derenzo  頁數(shù):610  




Stephen E.Derenzo目前是加州大學(xué)伯克利分校電氣工程與計算機科學(xué)系的教授,同時還是美國勞倫斯國家實驗室的資深科學(xué)家。15年來,他一直致力于電子電路、電子轉(zhuǎn)換器、微機接口方面的教學(xué)工作,本書凝聚了他多年的心血。他已獨立或合作發(fā)表了150多部教學(xué)論著。他還是IEEE


PrefaceAcknowledgments1 Digital tools  1.1 Introduction  1.2 The microcomputer  1.3 Number systems  1.4 Digital building blocks  1.5 Digital counters/timers  1.6 Parallel and serial input/output ports  1.7 Digital data-acquisition procedures  1.8 Switch debouncing  1.9 Digital interfacing standards  1.10 Problems  1.11 Additional reading Laboratory exercises  1.Introduction to C programming  2.Measuring event times  3.digital interfaceing:switches and lights2 Analog tools  2.1 Introduction  2.2 Operationalamplifier circuits  2.3 Op-amp characteristics  2.4 Instrumentation and isolation amplifiers  2.5 Noise sources  2.6 Analog filtering  2.7 The power amplifier  2.8 Problems  2.9 Additional reading Laboratory exercises  4.Operational-amplifier circuits  5.Instrumentation ampplifiers  6.Analog filtering3 Analog-digital conversion and sampling  3.1 Introduction  3.2 Digital-to-analog converter circuits  3.3 Analog-to-digital converter circuits  3.4 The sample-and-hold amplifier  3.5 Sampling analog waveforms  3.6 Frequency aliasing  3.7 Available data-acquisition systems  3.8 Problems  3.9 Additional reading Laboratory exercises  7.Introduction to A/D and D/A conversion  8.D/A conversion and waveform generation  9.A/D conversion and periodic sampling  10.Frequency aliasing4 Sensors and actuators  4.1 Introduction  4.2 Position and angle sensors  4.3 Temperature transducers  4.4 Srain-sensing elements  4.5 Force and pressure transducers  4.6 Measuring light  4.7 Producing visible light  4.8 Ionic potentials  4.9 The detection and measurement of ionizing radiation  4.10 Measuring time  4.11 Problems  4.12 Additional reading Laboratory exercises  11.Measuring angular position  12.Measuring temperature  13.Measuring strain and force  14.measuring light with a photodiode  15.The thermoelectric heat pump  16.Electrodes and ionic media  17.The human heart  18.The electromyogram(EMG)  19.The electrooculogram(EOG)5 Data analysis and control  5.1 Introduction  5.2 The Gaussian-error distribution  5.3 Student's t test  5.4 Least-squares fitting  5.5 The chi-squared statistic  5.6 Solving nonlinear equations  5.7 Monte Carlo simulation  5.8 Fourier transforms  5.9 Digital filters  5.10 Control techniques  5.11 Problems  5.12 Additional reading Laboratory exercises  20.Analog-digital conversion and least-squares fitting  21.Fast Fourier transforms of sampled data  22.Fast Fourier transforms of the human voice  23.Digital filtering  24.Process compensation using Fourier deconvolution and digital filtering  25.Analog temperature control using a resistive heater  26.Temperature control using the computer and a resistive heater  27.Temperature control using the computer and a themoelectric heat pumpAppendix A Grounding and shielding  A.1 Introduction  A.2 Interference noise due to common impedance  A.3 Interference noise due to capacitive coupling  A.4 General rules to followAppendix B Experimental uncertainties  B.1 Multimeter accuracy  B.2 Propagation of random errorAppendix C C programming tips  C.1 Declare all variables  C.2 Arithmetic statements  C.3 Conditional tests  C.4 Conditional operators  C.5 Indexed looping  C.6 Bitwise logical operators  C.7 Increment and decrement operators  C.8 The printf statement  C.9 Defining your own functions  C.10 “Including”your own functions  C.11 Opening and writing to files of arbitrary name  C.12 Using library functions  C.13 Allocating large storage arrays  C.14 General format rules for C programsAppendix D Numerical methods and functions  D.1 Introduction  D.2 Fast Fourier transform  D.3 Minimization function PARFIT  D.4 The uncertainty estimation function VARFIT  D.5 Numerical evaluation of functions defined by integrals  D.6 Function inversion using newton's method  D.7 Function inversion using quadratic approximation  D.8 Random number generatorAppendix E Summary of Data translation DT3010 PCI plug-in card  E.1 Introduction  E.2 Parallel output  E.3 Parallel input  E.4 Analog output  E.5 Analog input  E.6 Using the DT3010 board with the Microsoft visual C++ compilerAppendix F Using the digital oscilloscope to record waveforms  F.1 Introduction  F.2 Capturing the waveform  F.3 Printing the waveformAppendix G Electrical hazards and safety  G.1 Introduction  G.2 Electrical power  G.3 The ground fault interrupter circuit  G.4 The isolation transformer  G.5 Typical accident scenarios  G.6 Methods of accident preventionAppendix H Standard resistor and capacitor values  H.1 Standard resistor values and color codes  H.2 Standard capacitor values and codesAppendix I ASCII character codes  I.1 ASCII character set codesGlossaryIndex



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