
出版時間:2003-8  出版社:機(jī)械工業(yè)出版社  作者:加賽德  頁數(shù):626  




作者:(英國)加賽德(Roger Garside) (英國)馬瑞尼(John Mariani)


Part 1 Using Objects  1 Programming and the Java Language  2 Object Orientation  3 Declaring Objects and Calling Methods  4 Selecting Among Alternatives  5 Repetition  6 Basic Java Data TypesPart 2 Writing ObjectsPart 3 Advanced ObjectsPart 4 Advanced JavaPart 5 Object-Oriented DesignPart 6 AppendixesIndex


版權(quán)頁:插圖:A computer itself has no intelligence. As you will see, all it can do is follow a rather detailed set of instructions. A program is simply a detailed set of instructions in a suitable format that tells the computer how to carry out a task. For example, a programmer writing a word-processing program has to specify how the computer is to deal with text typed in by the user, how to format the text as a series of lines of characters, how to change the format according to instructions from the user, how to check the spelling of each word against a dictionary of valid words, how to pass the text to a printer to produce a printed version, and so on.Nowadays, there are computer programs in places you might not expect. A modern washing machine contains one or more small computers or processors, which control the sequence of operations carried out by the machine according to the instructions of the user and the state of the wash (Is the machine full of water? Is it at the right temperature? Has the user specified a long spin cycle? and so on). Similarly, a car has several processors to control the ignition system according to the state of the engine, to check that the seat belts are used correctly, and so on. Each of the processors in these embedded systems follows a program, or set of instructions, specifying in detail how the system should react to any particular combination of input information sensed by the processor.






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