
出版時(shí)間:2003-8  出版社:機(jī)械工業(yè)出版社  作者:陳慶柏編  頁數(shù):382  字?jǐn)?shù):362000  






編者的話序言PartⅠ Fundamentals of Securities基礎(chǔ)證券學(xué) Chapter1 Securities and Stocks Chapter2 Bonds or Debt Securities Chapter3 Financial Derivatives Chapter4 Methods of Issuing Securities Chapter5 Security Analysis Chapter6 Securities Markets in General Chapter7 Debt Securities Markets Chapter8 Well-know Stock Exchanges Chapter9 American Stock Market Indicatiors Chapter10 American Securities Investors Chapter11 Chief American Securities Laws Chapter12 the Work of the SEC(1) Chapter13 The Work of the SEC(2)PartⅡ Selected Articles on Securities from American and British Press英美報(bào)刊證券文章選讀 Lesson1 China's Stockmarket Reforms Lesson2 Capital Drought Lesson3 Piecing China's Markets Together Lesson4 Frankfurt's High-tech Stock Markets Lesson5 The Market can't Soar above the Economy Forever Lesson6 Many Dividend-payers Offer Rising Income Streams Lesson7 Watch Your Step with Wall Street Stocks Lesson8 A Fresh Strategy for Bonds Lesson9 Junk Bonds Suddenly Look Good Lesson10 Why Junk Bonds Suddenly Look Good Lesson11 Sidewiped by Convertibles Lesson12 The Credit-Raters:How They Work,How They Might Work Better Lesson13 Institutional Investors in Britain Lesson14 Slammed! Lesson15 Advantage,Coke Lesson16 Will Hedge Funds Be Overrun by All the Traffic? Lesson17 When Your Fund Switches Tracks Lesson18 Hedge funds Go Wide Lesson19 A Letter to President Bush Lesson20 Five Ways to Avoid More Enrons Lesson21 Corporate Accountability Lesson22 The Hunt for Liquidity Lesson23 With Friends like These Lesson24 Pitt's Accounting Fix Leaves a Lot Broke  Lesson25 New Yardsticks for Investors Lesson26 The Reluctant ReformerAppendix Key to the Exercises of PartⅡ



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