
出版時間:2003-1  出版社:機械工業(yè)出版社  作者:邁爾  頁數(shù):1254  


美國軟件開發(fā)雜志獲獎圖書 為軟件產業(yè)帶來震撼與效率 
獎項背景:從1990年開始,美國權威的軟件開發(fā)雜志(《Software Development》)每年從圖書、設計工具等6個類別的700多個候選產品中評選出每個類別的1~2個年度震撼大獎(Jolt Award,即產品優(yōu)勝獎)和2~3個年度效率大獎(Productivity Award),以表彰這些產品在推動軟件開發(fā)方面的杰出貢獻?;仡欉@12年來的獲獎名單,入選的無一不是對業(yè)界產生深遠影響的里程碑式作品。(詳情可參閱www.sdmagazine.com)
This second edition is not an update but the result of a thorough reworking. Not a paragraph of the original version has been left untouched. (Hardly a single line, actually.) Countless new topics have been added, including a whole chapter on concurrency, distribution, client-server computing and Internet programming; another on persistence and databases; one on user interfaces; one on the software lifecycle; many design patterns and implementation techniques; an in-depth exploration of a methodological issue on which little is available in the literature, how to use inheritance well and avoid misusing it; discussions of many other topics of object-oriented methodology; an extensive presentation of the theory of abstract data types -- the mathematical basis for our subject, indispensable to a complete understanding of object technology yet seldom covered in detail by textbooks and tutorials; a presentation of O-O analysis; hundreds of new bibliographic and Web site references; the description of a complete object-oriented development environment (also included on the accompanying CD-ROM for the reader's enjoyment) and of the underlying concepts; and scores of new ideas, principles, caveats, explanations, figures, examples, comparisons, citations, classes, routines.




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用戶評論 (總計1條)


  •     本書對OO理論進行了深入的介紹,與其它OO書籍不同的是本書特別強調軟件質量。本書作者Meyer正是Design by Contract思想的提出者,個人認為Design by Contract會逐漸被主流的程序設計語言C#/Java等所支持,代表了未來的發(fā)展方向。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網 手機版
