
出版時間:2002-8  出版社:機(jī)械工業(yè)出版社  作者:(美國)Globe Fearon Inc.編  頁數(shù):94  


本書系統(tǒng)性強(qiáng),涵蓋內(nèi)容廣泛,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生在學(xué)習(xí)英語的同時,得以洞悉科學(xué)概貌。所有科學(xué)概念都被簡明扼要地表達(dá)出來,通過清晰的例證、精練的習(xí)題,讓學(xué)生逐步掌握。    本書習(xí)題精煉包括什么是科學(xué)、生物科學(xué)、物理科學(xué)和地理科學(xué)4個單元。單元中的每一課都以重點詞匯開篇,從細(xì)胞到食物鏈,從物質(zhì)到能源,從地球到宇宙,涉及一個個具體的研究領(lǐng)域或方向,向?qū)W生展示了科學(xué)的基本內(nèi)涵以及各個學(xué)科的大致輪廓與基本知識。


Unit 1:  What Is Science?  Lesson 1 The Scientific Method         2 Tools of Science         3 Fields of ScienceUnit 2:  Life Science  Lesson 4 Cells          5 Classification         6 Vertebrates and Invertebrates         7 Animal Classes         8 Warm-blooded and Cold-blooded         9 Plant Structure and Function         10 Photosynthesis         11 Seed Plant Reprod uction         12 Genetics         13 Human Reproduction         14 Human Body Structure         15 Nerves and Senses         16 Energy Systems         17 Ecosystems         18 Food Chains Unit 3:  Physical Science  lesson 19 Properties of Matter         20 States of Matter         21 Energy         22 Change in Matter         23 Forces         24 Motion and Work         25 Simple Machines         26 Heat and Temperature         27 light         28 Sound         29 Electricity         30 Magnetism         31 Energy ResourcesUnit 4:  Earth Science  Lesson 32 The Earth         33 The Earth's Features         34 Plate Tectonics         35 Rocks and Minerals         36 Weathering and Erosion         37 The Atmosphere         38 The Water Cycle         39 Weather         40 Seasons and Climate         41 Fossils         42 Geological Time         43 Oceans         44 AstronomyGlossary




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