
出版時(shí)間:2002-8  出版社:機(jī)械工業(yè)出版社  作者:(美)Ramon A.Mata-Tloedo Pauline K.Cushman  頁(yè)數(shù):249  


Schaum''''s Outl


CHAPTER 1 An Overview of DBMS and DB Systems Architecture
1.1 Introduction to Database Management Systems
1.2 Data Models
1.3 Database System Architecture
CHAPTER 2 Relational Database Concepts
2.1 Relational Database Management Systems
2.2 Mathematical Definition of a Relation
2.3 Candidate Key and Primary Key of Relation
2.4 Foreign Keys
2.5 Relational Operators
2.6 Set Operations on Relations
2.7 Insertion,Deletion and Update Operations on Relations
2.8 Attribute Domains and Their Implementations
CHAPTER 3 An Introduction to SQL
3.1 Introduction to SQL Language
3.2 Table Creation
3.3 Selections,Projections and Joins using SQL
CHAPTER 4 Functional Dependencies
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Definition of Functional Dependencies
4.3 Functional Dependencies and Keys
4.4 Inference Axioms for Functional Dependencies
4.5 Redundant Functional Dependencies
4.6 Closures,Cover and Equivalence of Functional Dependencies
CHAPTER 5 The Normatization Process
5.1 Introduction
5.2 First Normal Form
5.3 Data Anomalies in INF Relations
5.4 Partial Dependencies
5.5 Second Normal Form
5.6 Data Anomalies in 2NF Relations
5.7 Transitive Dependencies
5.8 Third Normal Form
5.9 Data anomalies in 3NF Relations
5.10 Boyce-Codd Normal Form
5.11 Lossless or Lossy Decompositions
5.12 Preserving Functional Dependencies
CHAPTER 6 Basic Security Issues
6.1 The Need for Security
6.2 Physical and Logical Security
6.3 Design Issues
6.4 Maintenance Issues
6.5 Operating System Issues and Availability
6.6 Accountability
6.7 Integrity
CHAPTER 7 The Entity-Relationship Model
7.1 The Entity-Relationship Model
7.2 Entities and Attributes
7.3 Relationships
7.4 One-to-One Relationships
7.5 Many-to-One and Many-to Many Relationships
7.6 Normalizing the Model
7.7 Table Instance Charts



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