
出版時(shí)間:2002-1-1  出版社:機(jī)械工業(yè)出版社  作者:Bjarne Stroustrup  頁數(shù):461  




Preface Acknowledgments Contents Notes to the Reader Introduction How to Read this Book C++ Timeline Focus on Use and Users Programming Languages References Part I: The Prehistory of C++     1.1 Simula and Distributed Systen1s     1.2 C and Systems Programming     1.3 General Background C with Classes     2.1 The Birth of C with Classes     2.2 Feature overview     2.3 Classes     2.4 Run-Time Efficiency     2.5 The Linkage Model     2.6 Static Type Checking     2.7 Why C?     2.8 Syntax Problems     2.9 Derived Classes     2.10 The Protection Model     2.11 Run-Time Guarantees     2.12 Minor Features     2.13 Features Considered, but not Provided     2.14 Work Environment The Birth of C++     3.1 From C with Classes to C++     3.2 Aims     3.3 Cfront     3.4 Language Features     3.5 Virtual Functions     3.6 Overloading     3.7 References     3.8 Constants     3.9 Memory Management     3.10 Type Checking     3.11 Minor Peatures     3.12 Relationship to Classic C     3.13 Tools for Language Design     3.14 The C++ Programming Language (lst edition)     3.15 The Whatis? Paper C++ Language Design Rules     4.1 Rules and Principles     4.2 General Ru1es     4.3 Design Support Rules     4.4 Language-Technical Rules     4.5 Low-Level Programming Support Rules     4.6 A Final Word Chronology 1985-1993     5.1 Introduction     5.2 Release 2.0     5.3 The Annotated Reference Manual     5.4 ANSI and ISO Standardization Standardization Interest and Use Libraries Looking Ahead Part II: Memory Management Overloading Multiple Inheritance Class Concept Rennements Casting Templater Exception Handling Namespaces The C Preprocessor     18.1 Cpp Index




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