CCNP SUPPORT 2.0 學(xué)習(xí)指南 ( 英文版)考試號: 640- 506 ( 1CD)

出版時間:2001-09-01  出版社:機械工業(yè)出版社  作者:Syngress Media公司  頁數(shù):902  


1,Support resources for Troubleshooting
2,Using Troubleshooting methods
3,LAN Troubleshooting Problem Areas
4,Identifying Troubleshooting Targets
5,Applying Cisco Troubleshooting tools
6,Common routing protocols
7,Diagnosing and correctiong IP Problesms
8,Diagnosing and correctiong IPX Problems
9,Diagnosing and correcting AppleTalk Problems
10,Diagnosing and correcting catalyst problems
11,Troubleshooting VLANson routers and switches
12,Diagnosing and correcting frame relay problems
13,Diagnosing and correcting ISDN problems
A,About the CD



    CCNP SUPPORT 2.0 學(xué)習(xí)指南 ( 英文版)考試號: 640- 506 ( 1CD) PDF格式下載

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