
出版時(shí)間:2006-1  出版社:機(jī)械工業(yè)出版社  作者:黃運(yùn)堯  


  本書(shū)是為適應(yīng)高等學(xué)校機(jī)械類(lèi)專(zhuān)業(yè)英語(yǔ)的教學(xué)需要而編寫(xiě)的。本書(shū)主要內(nèi)容包括:材料與熱加工,機(jī)械零件,機(jī)床與液壓傳動(dòng),切削技術(shù),機(jī)械電子學(xué),閱讀材料。本書(shū)編寫(xiě)中,從機(jī)械專(zhuān)業(yè)出發(fā),注意現(xiàn)代機(jī)電技術(shù)的發(fā)展,按照從金屬、鋼鐵到機(jī)器,從熱加工到冷加工,從機(jī)器零部件到整臺(tái)設(shè)備,從機(jī)械到機(jī)電一休化。以至將機(jī)、液、電子技術(shù)相結(jié)合的順序來(lái)組織編寫(xiě),循著機(jī)制造過(guò)程的自然順序,由淺入深,由簡(jiǎn)到繁,循序漸進(jìn)。  本書(shū)可供高等學(xué)校機(jī)械類(lèi)專(zhuān)業(yè)師生及有關(guān)工程技術(shù)人員使用。


PART 1 MATERIALA &HOT WORKING Lesson 1 Metals and Their Use Lesson 2 Plastics and Other Materials Lesson 3 Casting and Die-Casting Alloys Lesson 4 Forging Lesson 5 Soldering and Welding Lesson 6 Heat Treatment and Hot Wording of Metals Lesson 7 Kinds of Steels,Mechanical Properties of MetalsPART 2 MECHANICAL PARTS Lesson 8 Gears and Reducers Lesson 9 Worm Gear Sets Lesson 10 Cams Lesson 11 Belt Drives Lesson 12 Keys and Springs Lesson 13 Screws Lesson 14 Shafts Lesson 15 Bearings Lesson 16 Couplings Lesson 17 Clutches Lesson 18 Brakes Lesson 19 Linkages Lesson 20 Functions of LubricantsPART 3 MACHINE TOOLS&HYDRAULICS Lesson 21 The Lathe Lesson 22 Milling,Shaper,Planer and Grinding Machines Lesson 23 Pressing Machine Lesson 24 Automatic Machining Lesson 25 Sources of Pressure-Pumps and Compressors Lesson 26 Variable Speed Hydraulic Systems Lesson 27 Electrohydrauilc Sevo SystemsPART 4 CUTTING TECHNOLOGY Lesson 28 Maching Fundamentals Lesson 29 Basic Machining Variables Lesson 30 The Effect of Changes in Cuttijng Parameters on Cutting Temperatures Lesson 31 Types of Tool Wear Lesson 32 Mechanism of Sufrace Finish Production Lesson 33 Limits and TolerancesPART 5 MECHANOTRONICS Lesson 34 Expert System Features and Explanatios  Lesson 35 Recent Progress in Construction Robotics Lesson 36 Microcomputer-Based Robot Simulation Lesson 37 Robotics Lesson 38 Basics of Micrcomputers(Ⅰ) Lesson 39 Basics of Micrcomputers(Ⅱ) Lesson 40 Programmalbe Controllers Lesson 41 CAD/CAM Lesson 42 CNC and DNC Lesson 43 Computer Control of Metal Cutting  Lesson 44 Flexible Manufacturing Systems Lesson 45 Graphical Programming Lesson 46 Computer Techniques in Vibration Analysis Lesson 47 Pressure Transducers Lesson 48 Feedabck Elements Lesson 49 Introduction to Modern Control Theory Lesson 50 Management Taks New Turn-The Report From Ford Motor Co.PART 6 READING MATERIALS ……





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