
出版時(shí)間:2011-12  出版社:中華人民共和國(guó)農(nóng)業(yè)部 中國(guó)農(nóng)業(yè)出版社 (2011-12出版)  作者:中華人民共和國(guó)農(nóng)業(yè)部  




ForewordExecutive SummaryAgricultural Development in 2010  General Situation  Crop Farming  Livestock Raising  Veterinary Sector  Fisheries  Township Enterprises  Land Reclamation Economy  Agricultural Mechanization  Price and Market of Farm Products  Imports and Exports of Farm Products  Income and Distribution in Rural Areas  Farmers' Income and Consumption  State Funds for Agriculture  Comprehensive Agricultural Development  Poverty Relief Through Development  Feed Industry  Grassland Protection and Construction  Protection of Aquatic Life Resources  Industrialized Operation of Agriculture  Farm Product Processing  Development of Crop Disease and Pest Prevention and Control System  Development of Rural Market System  Development of Rural Information System  Farm Product Quality Safety Control  Agricultural Research, Science Popularization and Agri-education  Development of Talented People for Agriculture and Rural Areas  Development of Rural Administrative Capacity  Agricultural Disasters  Sustainable Development of Agriculture  International Agricultural Cooperation and ExchangesAgriculture and Rural Policy in 2010  Overall Evaluation  Increases in Subsidies for Agriculture  Rural Land Contract Management  Management of Rural Collective Assets and Finances  Lightening Farmers' Burdens  Promoting Overall Rural Reform  Promoting Development of Farmers' Professional Cooperatives  Deepening Rural Banking Reform  Reform of Grain Circulation System  Reform and Buildup of Grassroots Agri-tech Propagation System  Reform of Veterinary Management System  Transfer of Rural Labor Force to Other Sectors  Agricultural LegislationAgricultural Development and National Economy in 2010  General Situation  Contribution of Agriculture to National Economy  Agriculture and Distribution of National Income  Proportional Relations Between Industrial and Agricultural Development  Development of Rural Non- agriculture Sectors and National Economic Growth  Income Gap Between Urban and Rural Residents  Consumption Differences Between Urban and Rural Residents  Regional Differences in Economic DevelopmentTrend of Agricultural Development in 2011  Development Objectives and Tasks  Conditions for Agricultural Development  Trend of Agricultural Development ForecastFigures  Figure 1  Areas Sown to Various Crops in 1990 and 2010  Figure 2  Total Output of Aquatic Products in 1994-2010  Figure 3  Total Output of Grain in 1994-2010  Figure 4  Total Output of Oil-bearing Crops in 1994-2010  Figure 5  Total Output of Cotton in 1994-2010  Figure 6  Total Output of Sugar-bearing Crops in 1994-2010  Figure 7  Total Output of Fruits in 1994-2010  Figure 8  Total Output of Meat in 1994-2010  Figure 9  Year-end Numbers of Employees of Township Enterprises in 2009 and 2010  Figure 10  Total Added Value of Township Enterprises in 2009 and 2010  Figure 11  Monthly Wholesale Prices of Pork, Silver Carp and Vegetables in 2010  Figure 12  Producer Price Indices for Farm Products and Means of Agricultural             Production in 1994-2010  Figure 13  Chemical Fertilizer Application and Price Indices in 1994-2010  Figure 14  Monthly Retail Prices of Urea in 2010  Figure 15  Pesticide Application and Retail Price Indices in 1994-2010  Figure 16  Output and Imports of Chemical Fertilizers in 1994-2010  Figure 17  Consumer Price Indices for Urban and Rural Residents in 1994-2010  Figure 18  Farm Produce Exports in Proportion to National Total in 1994-2010  Figure 19  Farm Produce Imports in Proportion to National Total in 1994-2010  Figure 20  Imports and Exports of Grain (not including soybeans) in 1994-2010  Figure 21  Average Per Capita Costs of Living of Rural Residents in 1994-2010  Figure 22  Crops Hit by Natural Disasters in 1994-2010  Figure 23  Crops Severely Affected by Natural Disasters in 1994-2010  Figure 24  Added Value of Agriculture in Proportion to GDP in 1994-2010  Figure 25  Retail Sales of Consumer Goods in Rural Areas             in Proportion to National Total in 1994-2010  Figure 26  Income of Urban and Rural Residents in 1994-2010  Figure 27  Engel's Coefficient for Urban and Rural Residents in 1994-2010  Figure 28  Average Per Capita Grain Consumption by Urban and Rural Residents in 1994-2010  Figure 29  Average Per Capita Consumption of Pork, Beef and Mutton             by Urban and Rural Residents in 1994-2010  Figure 30  Shares of Added Value of Township Enterprises in Four Regions             in 2009 and 2010  Figure 31  Rural Residents' Average Per Capita Net Income Levels in China's Provinces             (Autonomous Regions, Municipalities) in 2010Columns  Column 1  Development of Demonstration Areas for Modern Agriculture  Column 2  Remarkable Results in Development of Standardized Horticultural Plantations  Column 3  Development of Demonstration Areas for Standardized Livestock and Poultry Farming  Column 4  Promoting Comprehensive Law Enforcement in Grassroots Livestock Veterinary Sector  Column 5  Development of"Safe Fishery" Demonstration Counties and "Fishing Ports of Civility"  Column 6  Grain Production Capacity of Land Reclamation Sector at Record High  Column 7  Development of Demonstration Areas for Agricultural Mechanization  Column 8  Mechanized Subsoiling  Column 9  Farm Product Price Hikes and Inflation  Column 10  Subsidies and Rewards for Grassland Ecological Protection             Help Herdsmen Increase Earnings  Column 11  General Situation of"One Product in One Village" Program  Column 12  New Round of"Vegetable Basket" Project  Column 13  Cracking Down on Production and Sale of Illegal Pesticides,             Regulating Pesticide Use  Column 14  Remarkable Achievements in "Seed-related Law Enforcement Year" Activities  Column 15  Contribution of Science and Technology in Grain Production  Column 16  Expanding Experiments on Financial Rewards and Subsidies for Labor and Money Raised             Under the Case-by-Case Principle for Village-level Public Welfare Undertakings  Column 17  The National Veterinary Officer Training Program 2010-2014Appendix  Table 1  Status of Rural Economy in National Economy  Table 2  Total Output Value and Composition of Agriculture, Forestry,           Animal Husbandry and Fisheries  Table 3  Material Conditions for Agricultural Production  Table 4  Agricultural Investment  Table 5  Acreage Sown to Crops  Table 6  Natural Disasters for Agriculture and Flood and Salinization Control  Table 7  Original Value of Productive Fixed Assets Per Household in Rural Areas  Table 8  Basic Conditions of Rural Households  Table 9  Output of Major Farm Produce  Table 10  Livestock, Poultry Farming and Aquaculture  Table 11  Major Financial and Economic Efficiency Indices of Township Enterprises  Table 12  Rice Supply and Demand and Prices  Table 13  Wheat Supply and Demand and Prices  Table 14  Corn Supply and Demand and Prices  Table 15  Soybeans Supply and Demand and Prices  Table 16  Output,Import and Export of Grain and Edible Plant Oil  Table 17  Output,Import and Export of Cotton and Sugar  Table 18  Pork Production, Consumption, Import and Export  Table 19  Output, Import and Prices of Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides  Table 20  Per Capita Income of Urban and Rural Residents  Table 21  Per Capita Spending of Urban and Rural Residents  Table 22  Per Capita Food Consumption of Urban and Rural Residents  Table 23  Price Indices  Table 24  Producer Price Indices of Farm Products  Table 25  Classified Retail Price Indices in Urban and Rural Areas  Table 26  Wholesale Prices of "Vegetable Basket" Products  Table 27  State Revenue and Expenditure  Table 28  Distribution of Rural Economic Returns  Table 29  Rural Household Population and Labor Force in 2010  Table 30  Enterprises, Employment and Cultivated Land            in Administrative Villages in 2010Postscript


《2011中國(guó)農(nóng)業(yè)發(fā)展報(bào)告(英文版)》主要內(nèi)容:The 2011 China Agricultural Development Report was jointly compiled by related departments, bureaus and research institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture; members of the experts' work team of the Soft Sciences Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture; and experts, scholars and field workers of the Rural Economic and Social Statistics Department of the National Bureau of Statistics.



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