英語閱讀5 6

出版時間:2005-10  出版社:人民教育出版社  作者:(澳)Maggie Aldhamland,(澳)Joanna Karmel 著,(英)Neville Grant,劉道義 主編  頁數(shù):227  字?jǐn)?shù):273000  




前言IntroductionBook One Tina's World Tour Unit 1 A birthday present Unit 2 A great adventure Unit 3 What's Tina like? Unit 4 A dream job Unit 5 Extreme sport, extreme heat Unit 6 Volcanoes Unit 7 Sightseeing in New York Unit 8 A famous Englishman Unit 9 The death of a town Unit 10 Greek Olympic Games Unit 11 Australia's marsupials Unit 12 Crossing a continent Self-Assessment FormBook Two Michael's School Year Unit 1 Michael's school year begins Unit 2 A karaoke party Unit 3 A school camp Unit 4 A part-time job Unit 5 Why should we recycle? Unit 6 Getting a Learner Licence Unit 7 A young musician Unit 8 A biology lesson: The life cycle of the silk moth Unit 9 A school social Unit 10 John Steinbeck and Of Mice and Men Unit 11 Short story: The Pod Unit 12 Summer holidays again Self-Assessment FormBook Three Family And Friends Unit 1 Early settlers Unit 2 New Australians Unit 3 Some statistical information about Australia Unit 4 Religious festivals Unit 5 Some information about marriage Unit 6 The wedding day Unit 7 Achievements in sport Unit 8 A visit to the art gallery Unit 9 Fun with science Unit 10 Going to school in the outback Unit 11 People of the outback Unit 12 Full circle Self-Assessment FormAppendix



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