
出版時間:2005-3  出版社:人民教育出版社  作者:劉道義 主(英)維克斯,(英)邦頓,(英)格蘭特 著  頁數(shù):158  字數(shù):196000  


閱讀是理解和吸收語言文化信息的最重要的手段。對學生來說,閱讀又是語言文化信息的最便捷的輸入源。沒有足夠的可理解性語言的輸入,就不可能有高質(zhì)量的語言輸出。古人云:“讀書破萬卷,下筆若有神”,講的就是這個道理。      因此,“國家英語課程標準”很重視學生的閱讀訓練,對閱讀技能的九級要求做了詳細的目標描述,并對第三至八級的課外閱讀量定出了明確的要求(由4萬詞累積到36萬詞)。而且,歷屆的中考和高考都特別重視語篇的理解。顯然,要達到課程標準的要求,要獲得良好的考試成績,學生單靠教科書是遠遠不夠的,必須開展大量的閱讀。于是為了配合實施課程標準,為了滿足我國中學生英語閱讀的需要,我們專門設計編制了本套讀物,可供選擇與主教材配套使用。與許多引進版的讀物不同的是,這套讀物是由中外專家合作,完全根據(jù)課程標準規(guī)定的教育目標、教學要求、教學內(nèi)容設計編寫的。書中文章不僅語言地道、規(guī)范,而且具有較強的跨文化交際的意識,既介紹了世界各國的文化,也注意弘揚中華民族的優(yōu)秀文化。


前言IntroductionBook One Emergency! (by Clare Vickers) Unit 1 Traffic accident! Unit 2 The footballer Unit 3 A 999 call Unit 4 Fire! Unit 5 The skyscraper : Unit 6 Janie and the sweets Unit 7 At the river Unit 8 Baby in danger Unit 9 Old Mr Miller Unit 10 Welcome to the world! Self-Assessment Form Mark Your ProgressBook Two Myths of the World (by Clare Vickers) Unit I The Garden of Eden Unit 2 The rich and the poor Unit 3 Prometheus and the story of fire Unit 4 The great flood Unit 5 A love story - Eros and Psyche Unit 6 The story of Perseus Unit 7 Jason and the Golden Fleece (Part 1) Unit 8 Jason and the Golden Fleece (Part 2) Unit 9 How the days got their names Unit 10 King Solomon and the genie Self-Assessment Form Mark Your ProgressBook Three The Odyssey (by Clare Vicl~ers) Chapter 1 The Trojan War Chapter 2 The Lotus Eaters Chapter 3 The Cyclops Chapter 4 Escape from the cave Chapter 5 Circe',s palace Chapter 6 The Sirens Chapter 7 The shipwreck Chapter 8 Beautiful Calypso Chapter 9 What happened in Ithaca Chapter 10 The great contest  Self-Assessment Form Mark Your ProgressBook Four Megan and her ebike (by Jean Bunton)About this book Chapter 1 An Australian Christmas Chapter 2 The new invention Chapter 3 The trip to Sydney Chapter 4 At the Opera House Chapter 5 The Great Barrier Reef Chapter 6 The centre of Australia Chapter 7 A quick trip to New Zealand Chapter 8 An even longer journey  Chapter 9 A visit to Hong Kong Chapter 10 Home again Self-Assessment Form Mark Your ProgressAppendix



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  •   英語輔導書多如牛毛,但有品位的不多。這一套我用了后很好,題材、內(nèi)容、形式、編排都沒得說。追加了一套送人。遺憾的是缺第四冊。



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