跟我學(xué)漢語教師用書 第一冊

出版時(shí)間:2003-6  出版社:人民教育出版社  作者:朱志平 等 著  頁數(shù):143  




致教師《跟我學(xué)漢語》編寫說明第一冊 學(xué)生用書使用說明漢語拼音方案第一單元 學(xué)校、同學(xué)和老師1 你好2 再見3 我是王家明4 謝謝5 她們是學(xué)生嗎6 他們是我的朋友第一單元評估與測驗(yàn)第二單元 朋友和伙伴7 他是誰8 誰是你的好朋友9 你有幾張中文光盤10 這是誰的錢包11 祝你生日快樂12 今天我很高興第二單元評估與測驗(yàn)第三單元 我和我的家13 你多大14 這是我的狗15 你從哪里來16 我住在柏樹街17 你家有幾口人18 我爸爸是醫(yī)生第三單元評估與測驗(yàn)第四單元 一年四季19 現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)20 你每天幾點(diǎn)起床21 昨天、今天、明天22 星期六你干什么23 今天天氣怎么樣24 冬天冷,夏天熱第四單元評估與測驗(yàn)第五單元 衣食住行25 我要二十個(gè)餃子26 你們家買不買年貨27 一共多少錢28 你喜歡什么顏色29 穿這件還是穿那件30 他什么樣子第五單元評估與測驗(yàn)第六單元 體育和健康31 你哪兒不舒服32 醫(yī)生,我牙疼33 你會(huì)游泳嗎34 去游泳池怎么走35 你去哪兒度暑假36 運(yùn)動(dòng)場上有很多人第六單元評估與測驗(yàn)附錄第一冊交際功能總結(jié)第一冊語言要點(diǎn)總結(jié)普通話聲母韻母拼合總表


  2. Grammatical structures and functional usages  This series of textbooks take the students from beginner to intermediate level. To cope with the general needs of conducting dally communication, the textbooks present students with sentence patterns and grammar at the elementary level in situational topics. Besides the consideration given to functional usages, the order in which the grammar is organized is based on the latest research on acquiring Chinese as a second language, especially the acquisition of Chinese by English-speakers.  3. Ways of organizing the language materials and of presenting the vocabulary  Keeping in mind the lively and restless characters of high school students, we have tried to adopt the topics which are familiar and interesting to them and to arrange the language materials in a topical order. In 2001, we conducted a survey among high school students in two North American cities on "Topics That Youre Interested in", and the topics in this series of textbooks have been carefully selected from this survey of over 500 questionnaires. They not only take into consideration high school students interests, but also meet the demands of daily communication. These topics are ordered according to the communicative needs and in the sequence of second language acquisition so that the students can approach Chinese in actual life naturally.  The vocabulary in Learn Chinese with Me is presented in two types: compulsory words and supplementary words. Compulsory words are those that are necessary for certain communicative functions and those that have appeared in the text. The number of this type of vocabulary in each lesson is decided according to the number of words a student can master within a period of time. Such vocabulary can be found both in the word list at the end of each lesson and in the general vocabulary list at the end of each book with detailed and complete explanations. The teacher should make sure that the students have basically mastered these words after concluding each lesson. Supplementary words are those that can help students understand and utilize certain function or do word substitution and word expanding exercises.



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