
出版時間:2012-4  出版社:人民美術(shù)出版社  作者:黃冠余  


2大美 Magnificent
4荷蓮清凈 Pure Lotus
6秋歌 Song of Autumn
8野荷 Wild Lotus
10晨曦 First Rays of the Morning Sun
12雪荷稿 Snow Lotus (draft)
14雪荷 Snow Lotus
16初雪2 First Snow Ⅱ
18私語 Wisper
20金風(fēng) Swing in Sunshine
22對影 Shade
24睡荷 Sleeping Lotus
26流光荷影 Lotus' Shade
29金秋 Golden Autumn
30金色荷塘 Golden Lotus Pond
32如煙1 Foggy Ⅰ
33如煙2 Foggy Ⅱ
34久福祿 Nine Calabash
35種 Seed
36生生不息2 Thriving Ⅱ
37蓮影 Lotus' Shade
38晨蘆3 Matutinal ReedⅢ
39晨蘆4 Matutinal ReedⅣ
40不凋 Never Wither and Fall
43潺 Sound of Water
44荷光對影 Lotus' Shade
46綠絲 Green Thread
49秋聲 Sound of Autumn
50金風(fēng)荷影 Lotus' Shade in Golden Wind
53錯位 Malposition
54夏日 Summer Day
56晚成稿 Late Maturity (draft)
>58朦朧 Dim Moonlight
60荷戀系列1 Series of Lotus Love Ⅰ
60荷戀系列2 Series of Lotus LoveⅡ
60荷戀系列3 Series of Lotus Love Ⅲ
60荷戀系列4 Series of Lotus Love Ⅳ
61荷戀系列6 Series of Lotus Love Ⅵ
63湖光荷影 Lotus' Shade in Lake
64大器晚成 Late Maturity
66荷仙系列1 Series of Lotus FairyⅠ
66荷仙系列2 Series of Lotus FairyⅡ
67荷仙系列3 Series of Lotus FairyⅢ
67荷仙系列4 Series of Lotus FairyⅣ
68荷緣系列1 Passion for LotusⅠ
68荷緣系列2 Passion for Lotus Ⅱ
71荷緣系列3 Passion for Lotus Ⅲ
71荷緣系列4 Passion for Lotus Ⅳ
72秋光蓮影 Lotus' Shade in Autumn
74秋光 Scenery of Autumn
77向日 Sunflower
79天趣 Beauty of Nature
80一夜知秋 Feeling of Autumn by a Single Day
82歲月留痕2 Memory of Old Time Ⅱ
84荷戀1 Lotus Love Ⅰ
86荷戀2 Lotus Love Ⅱ
88荷戀3 Lotus Love Ⅲ
91荷戀4 Lotus Love Ⅳ
92荷戀 Lotus Love
93歲月留痕 Memory of Old Time
94福祿 Calabash
95若水 Flow
96窗視 Scenery Outside the Window
98荷道 Spirit of Lotus
100荷道1 Spirit of Lotus Ⅰ
103荷道2 Spirit of Lotus Ⅱ
104荷道3 Spirit of LotusⅢ
107荷道4 Spirit of Lotus Ⅳ
108荷道5 Spirit of Lotus Ⅴ
110荷道6 Spirit of Lotus Ⅵ
112荷道7 Spirit of Lotus Ⅶ
114荷道8 Spirit of Lotus Ⅷ
116荷道9 Spirit of Lotus Ⅸ
118荷道10 Spirit of Lotus Ⅹ
121荷道11 Spirit of Lotus Ⅺ
122荷道12 Spirit of Lotus Ⅻ
125荷道13 Spirit of Lotus
126荷道 Spirit of Lotus
128荷道 Spirit of Lotus
129荷道 Spirit of Lotus
130荷非荷 Lotus in Haze
132小荷合系列 Series of Small Lotus



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