
出版時間:2009-08  出版社:中華書局  作者:于丹  頁數(shù):187  譯者:Esther Tyldesley  


本書為《于丹〈論語〉心得》的英文版。譯者Esther Tyldesley以意譯的方式、流暢生動的表達(dá),將這本廣受好評的圖書介紹給西方世界,是一本極好的介紹中國文化的英文普及讀物。


作者:于丹 譯者:迪星  編者:余瑾


Foreword Why Confucius  Part One The Way of Heaven and Earth  Part Two The Way of the Heart and Soul  Part Three The Way of the World  Part Four The Way of Friendship  Part Five The Way of Ambition  Part Six  The Way of Being


they use in their dealings with others, so they havemany friends who cherish the same ideas and follow thesame path. No matter how many friends a true junzihas, they will always be like oxygen in the air we breathe,making their friends feel happy and cared for. TheChinese character, for 'enter into cliques' looks liketwo people standing close together. This means that pettypeople prefer to get together in their own little cliques,they don't like to be absorbed into the big collective.For example, at a party a junzi will feel completelyat ease with everyone there, whether old friends orstrangers; but a petty person will skulk in a corner withtheir best friend, the two of them muttering away to eachother, as thick as thieves.Why are there such differences between people?Again, it is because the junzi and the petty do not existin the same moral state. Confucius said: 'Thejunzi is easyof mind, while the small man is always flail of anxiety.'(Analects vii) The reason why the petty are often foundconspiring with others is that they have an uneasy con-science, and want to plot for their own advantage andprotect what they already have. When we talk aboutcronyism or forming cliques this is exactly what we mean.The mind of the junzi, on the other hand, is contentedand composed; because he or she is in a state of peacefulIn China, we have always regarded harmony as a thingof beauty, but what is true harmony? Confucius repeat-edly shows us it is a tolerance towards others, a kind ofmelding and mingling, all the while maintaining differentvoices and different viewpoints. This is the way of thejunzi in society.Because there are so many differences between ajunziand a petty individual, you will find your dealings withthem will be very different.Confucius said: 'Thejunzi is easy to serve but difficultto please. He will not be pleased unless you try to pleasehim by following the Way, but when it comes to employ- ing the services of others, he does so within the limits of their capacity. The small man is difficult to serve but easy to please. He will be pleased even though you try to please him by not following the Way, but when it comes to employing the services of others, he demands all-round perfection.'  Confucius explains these differences in a way that is extremely easy to understand, because he always puts the junzi and the petty side by side in order to compare them.






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用戶評論 (總計44條)


  •   這本書是很好的, 無論是印刷, 紙張。 至于內(nèi)容嘛, 因為我是于丹的FANS啦, 當(dāng)然就很喜歡了。
  •   雖然不是原書的翻譯,但結(jié)合原書了解內(nèi)容,再看英文,可以學(xué)到地道的英文表達(dá),避免中式英語。
  •   通俗易懂,很好打英文讀物
  •   印刷特別精美,要是中英文的就更好了。
  •   給外教買的,結(jié)合中文版,希望她能看懂。PS:書很贊~!
  •   內(nèi)容經(jīng)典,值得閱讀。
  •   滿意,印刷很不錯,送給美國朋友兒子的〇K
  •   不錯,英漢對賬著看
  •   感覺還不錯,有些看不懂
  •   語言淺顯易懂 紙張很厚
  •   閱讀中,想提高一下英語水平.
  •   質(zhì)感不錯,看著舒服,值得購買!
  •   內(nèi)容翻譯的很不錯,正在學(xué)習(xí)英語,覺得很有幫助
  •   很不錯,一直收著
  •   Quite good!
  •   Thisisalsoagoodbook.Itisworthre*****.
  •   坦率而言,并不覺得于丹的心得有多么好,只是沖著高水平的翻譯去的。確實翻譯得相當(dāng)好。
  •   中文版的特點就是深入淺出,通俗易懂,英文版也一樣。
  •   書的整體質(zhì)量很好,譯文也很不錯,挺適合英語學(xué)習(xí)者學(xué)習(xí)。

  •   感覺還不錯,書的包裝挺精美的,字體也合適
  •   包裝挺精美,是正版,讀來受益匪淺,對生活有了新的認(rèn)識。
  •   還沒看 有點貴
  •   能退 就行了還可以
  •   幫外國朋友買的,他很喜歡。每天捧著學(xué)習(xí)。呵呵
  •   暫時還沒讀,但看上去就非常不錯,一定好好研讀
  •   建議大家還是買簡裝本好。這個就是包裝好看點而已。其實咱是想看書。不必圖這個。對吧。
  •   這封底封面是被泥泡過 還是被人踩過啊 ?實在是太臟了 我用橡皮擦了好久都沒整干凈太過分了 喜歡書的親們都不會希望自己買的書被糟蹋成那樣 卓越很過分而且 買了6本書 也不給個盒 就塑料袋一個 都磨破書皮了 恨??!
  •   28.1元購進(jìn)質(zhì)量很棒,雙色印刷,配全頁彩色插圖內(nèi)附《于丹心語》大硬質(zhì)紙卡片兩枚,配有插圖另附光碟兩張:《發(fā)現(xiàn)你的心靈A、B》演講人 于丹 注意:光碟是VCD 畫質(zhì)一般 時間一共兩個小時左右總體來說,值得收藏
  •   好的就不說了,2點不好的供書友參考:1.全書征文就是電視版心得的字幕集。電視版的增值發(fā)行品而已。如果已經(jīng)看過電視,就沒有再買的必要。--從這個意義上說,于丹算不得‘作者’,這本書就是字幕,行文都是白話文,看書時老想著還是電視畫面和于丹那并很明亮的聲音,很煩的。2.此書包裝感覺很浪費,可能還是因為字幕字?jǐn)?shù)太少的緣故,發(fā)行商又想出書賺錢。書中文字行距大,留的白邊也寬,完了還弄個大書框,,實在是不夠環(huán)保,更加顯得內(nèi)容的含金量不足。
  •   印刷很過關(guān),包裝過于繁復(fù)了
  •   不就是多了一個光盤嘛,很小的一本書,印刷一般,還那么貴,真是上當(dāng)了。其實她講的也沒啥特別的,就是用比較通俗的話說出自己的看法和理解,我確實堅持不了一直看下去啊。想買的人就在網(wǎng)上找點電子書或者視頻看看就可以了,不值得收藏。
  •   看了這本書后,從心底里喜歡上了于丹教授,她開啟了我的心靈,讓我明白了自己在社會角色里應(yīng)該擔(dān)當(dāng)?shù)呢?zé)任,對同事要尊敬友善,對工作要盡職盡責(zé),多從自己的心底問問自己這些事我做到了沒有。在平常生活里要關(guān)愛自己親人,對生活要充滿自信。有時煩悶時,就會想看看這本書。我很喜歡于丹老師。
  •   符合個人訂購標(biāo)準(zhǔn),謝謝。
  •   書不錯,售后服務(wù)也不錯,好評
  •   送貨很快,沒的說,買書就得在這里
  •   喜歡,雖然看起來貌似是蠻久之前的書了,但是還是很物美價廉的~里面還有兩張卡片,挺喜歡的~書也很好,而且外殼很結(jié)實,設(shè)計得也讓人方便抽書~喜歡于丹老師講的論語心得和莊子心得,兩本典藏本都買了~O(∩_∩)O好東西啊~
  •   做畢業(yè)論文需要看的,譯本很好,有自己的特色,從中可以收獲不少
  •   這是我的第一個訂單,發(fā)貨很及時,書也很好,已經(jīng)送給了朋友,謝謝亞馬遜
  •   特喜歡于丹老師的《論語》,典藏本的紙的質(zhì)量比平裝本好,內(nèi)容應(yīng)該是沒有區(qū)別的。
  •   這本書很早讀過中文版,也收藏了。而后見到過英文版,但是一直由于價格問題而沒有購買,這回見到j(luò)oyo上有賣,價格還不錯,就立刻下單了。謝謝快遞和物流,很迅速而且書保護得很好O(∩_∩)O~
  •   于丹的這本書內(nèi)容我就不說了,自然是很好的。典藏本,因為是新的一版,外觀看起來很素雅,喜歡。結(jié)構(gòu)上,在右后邊還有《論語》原文的附錄還有光盤,真的很超值!
  •   其實普通版的也一樣看
  •   讀這書能讓心靈得到凈化,不在那么浮躁。養(yǎng)心很關(guān)鍵。
  •   有很好的質(zhì)感,不愧是典藏版...

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