嘻哈樂園 拼音說唱2

出版時間:2011-6  出版社:商務(wù)印書館  作者:盧毓文  頁數(shù):52  


  Learn to speak Chinese by singing & chanting!Learn to
write Characters by drawing pictures!Over 60 fun songs and
interesting activities to get started in Chinese.Hip Hop Land
《喜哈樂園》 is a graded series of Mandarintextbooks for children 3 years
and up - both heritage andnon-heritage learners. This series
comprises 7 books:Pinyin Pastimes: 1, 2, 3 and 4
  Lively bilingual chants and active songs with rhyming lyrics
helpchildren learn pronunciation easily and naturally.
  Highly attractive and colorful illustrations are designed to help
childrenlearn words easily.
  Creative Chinese: Lower and Upper
  Combines Chinese characters and children's drawings to effect
apractical curriculum, facilitating learning writing step by
  Includes essential vocabulary words for this age group.
Systematicintroduction of basic radicals and various character
componentsmakes learning that much easier.
  Hip Hop Song Collection
  60 creatively designed songs and chants for learning Mandarin
makefor a well-rounded collection of materials.
  Well coordinated interplay between music and pronunciation
makespeaking as easy as singing a song.
  Students who complete this series will have acquired avocabulary
of around 600 words and phrases, includingproper pronunciation a nd
the ability to manipulate basicsentence patterns - all designed for
the very young learner.


盧毓文,高雄師范大學(xué)英語學(xué)士,美國加州大學(xué)圣迭戈電化教育碩士。在美國、澳大利亞等國及中國的臺灣、香港等地區(qū)從事成人和兒童漢語教學(xué)逾30年。自1985年起歷任香港國際學(xué)校及香港加拿大國際學(xué)校中文部創(chuàng)辦主任、香港英基小學(xué)中文學(xué)科主任;曾創(chuàng)辦“活力中文教研所”,為各大公司設(shè)計普通話教程及培訓(xùn)員工。目前主要致力于開發(fā)新型漢語教材和研究對外兒童漢語教學(xué),同時在港臺、澳大利亞、泰國等地講授漢語教師培訓(xùn)課程。主要著作:1969《兒歌專集唱片》臺灣鈴鈴唱片1988-95《Teach Yourself Living Mandarin 1-3自學(xué)普通話三冊》香港朗文1992《國字演進卡Chinese Character Evolution Cards 1-6》臺灣童年2004《漢語拼音Hanyu Pinyin(繁、簡)》臺灣五南2006《嘻哈說唱學(xué)漢語Mandarin Hip Hop 1-4》北京北語(簡)香港資優(yōu)(繁)2009《嘻哈樂園 Hip Hop Land K1-3:拼音繪本、漢字繪寫本》臺灣正中2009《活力中文Living Mandarin–DIY 1-2》香港新華書城


Nasal Finals
an en ang eng ong
Reading Activities
Three Mice
Wash and Clean
Nasal Finals and Those Combinations with i u
in ing iu ui un
Reading Activities
School Is Starting
English Lyrics
Word Index







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