出版時間:2010-10 出版社:商務 作者:新東方名師編寫組 編 頁數:362
“可以說我對于英語學習的興趣是被《新概念英語》這套書激發(fā)出來的。由于課文本身很有趣,所以盡管覺得吃力,我卻沒有產生任何厭倦情緒。我用了兩個多月的時間,就把第二冊到第四冊的200多篇課文生吞活剝地學完了。我的朋友、現任新東方教育科技集團常務副總裁周成剛,就是在沒日沒夜地模仿了《新概念英語》的朗讀后,獲得了一口標準的倫敦口音,最后被英國BBC廣播公司看中,變成了BBC的記者和節(jié)目主持人?!薄 聳|方教育科技集團董事長兼總裁俞敏洪 《新概念英語》系列教材的經典性早已不言而喻。作為戰(zhàn)斗在一線的新東方老師,在培訓過數十萬名《新概念英語》學員之中和之后,我們一直在思考一個問題:《新概念英語》這套教材究竟是如何深深地吸引著中國的學生?經過深入研究,我們驚喜地發(fā)現《新概念英語》這套教材除了具備一般教材的所有特點之外,還有一個非常顯著的特點——與中國現在的考試緊密相關。當我們發(fā)現這一點時,那感覺簡直是欣喜若狂,因為我們終于找到了《新概念英語》這套教材多年以來一直煥發(fā)勃勃生機的原因。經過教學實踐的無數次嘗試,同時也是在商務印書館教育圖書編輯室領導及編輯的鼓勵下,我們這些新東方教師集體創(chuàng)作了《新概念英語一課一練》系列叢書,本套叢書共4冊,分別與《新概念英語》1-4冊對應。針對廣大英語學習者的學習特點和習慣,本習題集以課文為單元,采取一課一練、同步互動的形式進行編排,習題涵蓋了課文中所有需要掌握的重要語法、詞匯和語音知識,以及相關的閱讀寫作知識。不僅有助于學習者對教材內容進行理解,還可以有效地衡量學習者對重要知識點的掌握程度?! ∥覀冊趯W習《新概念英語》之前,首先要給自己定位,認清自己的水平、需求。比如,如果沒有基礎或基礎薄弱,想要從頭開始或想要糾正語音,那么可以選擇第一冊。如果想考四級,但是語法薄弱,可以學習第二冊。如果想考六級,或是雅思、托福等國外考試,可以學習第三冊,如果想做到寫文章流利或參加G:RE、GMAT等考試,可以選擇第四冊。一般情況下,二冊的熟練掌握加上自己的努力就足夠讓你在高考、PETS二三級、CET4中脫穎而出。定位準確,才能做到目標明確,才能有信心,才能有切實的收獲?! ≡诖酥幌敫嬖V所有的英語學習者,只要你選定《新概念英語》教材,扎扎實實地學好每課強調的重點,應對各種考試不在話下。
Lesson 1 A private conversation私人談話Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch?早餐還是午餐?Lesson 3 Please send me a card請給我寄一張明信片Lesson 4 An exciting trip激動人心的旅行Lesson 5 No wrong numbers無錯號之虞Lesson 6 Percy Buttons珀西·巴頓斯Lesson 7 Too late為時太晚Lesson 8 The best and the worst最好的和最差的Lesson 9 A cold welcome冷遇Lesson 10 Not forjazz不適于演奏爵士樂Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another禮尚往來Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck再見,一路順風Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys綠林少年Lesson 14 Do you speak English?你會講英語嗎?Lesson 15 Good news佳音Lesson 16 A polite request彬彬有禮的要求Lesson 17 Always young青春常駐Lesson 18 He often does this!他經常干這種事!Lesson 19 Sold out票已售完Lesson 20 One man in a boat獨坐孤舟Lesson 21 Mad or not?是不是瘋了?Lesson 22 A glass envelope玻璃信封Lesson 23 A new house新居Lesson 24 It could be worse不幸中之萬幸Lesson 25 Do the English speak English?英國人講的是英語嗎?Lesson 26 The best art critics最佳美術評論家Lesson 27 A wet night雨夜Lesson 28 No parking禁止停車Lesson 29 Taxi!出租汽車! _Lesson 30 Football or polo?足球還是水球?Lesson 31 Success story成功者的故事Lesson 32 Shopping made easy購物變得很方便Lesson 33 Out of the darkness沖出黑暗Lesson 34 Quick work破案“神速Lesson 35 Stop thief!捉賊! Lesson 36 Across the Channel橫渡海峽Lesson 37 The Olympic Games奧林匹克運動會Lesson 38 Everything except the weather唯獨沒有考慮到天氣Lesson 39 Am I aIl right?我是否痊愈? Lesson 40 Food and talk進餐與交談Lesson 41 Do you call that a hat?你把那個叫帽子嗎?Lesson 42 Not very musical并非很懂音樂Lesson 43 Over the South Pole飛越南極Lesson 44 Through the forest穿過森林Lesson 45 A clear conscience問心無愧Lesson 46 Expensive and uncomfortable既昂貴又受罪Lesion 47 A thirsty ghost嗜酒的鬼魂Lesson 48 Did you want to tell me something?你想對我說什么嗎?Lesson 49 The end of a dream美夢告終Lesson 50 Taken for a ride乘車兜風Lesson 51 Reward for virtue對美德的獎賞Lesson 52 A pretty carpet漂亮的地毯Lesson 53 Hot snake觸電的蛇Lesson 54 Sticky fingers黏糊的手指Lesson 55 Not a gold mine并非金礦Lesson 56 Faster than sound!比聲音還快! Lesson 57 Can I help you,madam?你要買什么,夫人?Lesson 58 A blessing in disguise?是因禍得福嗎?Lesson 59 In or out?進來還是出去?Lesson 60 The future卜算未來Lesson 61 Trouble with the Hubble哈勃望遠鏡的困境Lesson 62 After the fire大火之后Lesson 63 She was not amused她并不覺得好笑Lesson 64 The Channel Tunnel海峽隧道Lesson 65 Jumbo versus the police小象對警察Lesson 66 Sweet as honey!像蜜一樣甜!Lesson 67 Volcanoes火山Lesson 68 Persistent糾纏不休Lesson 69 But not murder!并非謀殺!Lesson 70 Red for danger危險的紅色Lesson 71 A famous clock一個著名的大鐘Lesson 72 A car called Bluebird“藍鳥”汽車Lesson 73 The record.holder紀錄保持者Lesson 74 Out of the limelight舞臺之外Lesson 75 SOS呼救信號Lesson 76 April Fools’Day愚人節(jié)Lesson 77 A successful operation一例成功的手術Lesson 78 The last one?最后一支嗎?Lesson 79 By air乘飛機Lesson 80 The Crystal Palace水晶宮Lesson 81 Escape脫逃Lesson 82 Monster or fish?是妖還是魚?Lesson 83 After the elections大選之后Lesson 84 On strike罷工Lesson 85 Never too old to learn活到老學到老Lesson 86 Out of control失控Lesson 87 A perfect alibi極好的不在犯罪現場的證據Lesson 88 Trapped in a mine困在礦井里Lesson 89 A slip of the tongue口誤Lesson 90 What’S for supper?晚餐吃什么?Lesson 91 Three men in a basket三人同籃Lesson 92 Asking for trouble自找麻煩Lesson 93 A noble gift崇高的禮物Lesson 94 Future champions未來的冠軍Lesson 95 A fantasy純屬虛構Lesson 96 The dead return亡靈返鄉(xiāng)參考答案
Why is setting goals important? Because goals can help you do, be, and experience everythingyou want in life. ______just letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life happen. Successful people imagine how their life should be and set lots of goals. By setting goals you are______your life. Its like having a map to show you where you want to go. Think of it this way. Theyare______drivers. One has a destination (目的地) in mind (her goal) which can be found on amap. She can drive straight there without any wasted time or wrong turns. The other driver has nogoal or destination or map. She starts off at the same time from the same place as the first driver, ______she drives aimlessly around, never getting anywhere, just using up gas. Which driver do youwant to be? Winners in life set goals and follow through on them. They decide what they want in life andthen get there by making ______and setting goals. Unsuccessful people just let life happen by acci-dent. Goals arent difficult to set and they arent difficult to reach. Its up to you to find out whatyour goals really are. You are the one who must______ what to achieve and in what direction to aimyour life. Research tells us that when we write a goal down we are more ______to achieve it. Written goalscan be ______ regularly, and have more power. Like a contract (合同) with yourself, they are har-der to neglect or forget. Also______you write goals in a particular way you are able to make yourselfcontinuously______situations that will bring you nearer to your goal.
《新概念英語名師導學系列:新概念英語一課一練(第2冊)》《新概論英語》學習勝經,New Concept Bible,征服高考,PETS2級,四、六級,考研,劍橋通用英語證書P ET,新托福,雅思4.5?! 缎赂拍钣⒄Z名師導學系列:新概念英語一課一練(第2冊)》讀者對象: 欲在中、高考英語考試中取得高分的初、高中學生; 對必須面臨的考試(四級、六級、職稱考試、專升本等)一籌莫展的考生; 參加PETS2級和3級考試的考生; 已經學完了《新概念英語》第一冊或任何一種初級英語教程的英語學習者; 語法基礎不牢固者; 已經放下英語多年,但有一定基礎,希望重拾英語的學習者; 想為自己的英語打牢根基的學習者; 對大學英語學習感到吃力的學習者; 不滿足于只是應付水平考試,想全面提高自己英語水平的學習者。