
出版時間:2010-1  出版社:商務  作者:新東方名師編寫組 編  頁數(shù):286  


  “可以說我對于英語學習的興趣是被《新概念英語》這套書激發(fā)出來的。由于課文本身很有趣,所以盡管覺得吃力,我卻沒有產(chǎn)生任何厭倦情緒。我用了兩個多月的時間,就把第二冊到第四冊的200多篇課文生吞活剝地學完了。我的朋友、現(xiàn)任新東方教育科技集團常務副總裁周成剛,就是在沒日沒夜地模仿了《新概念英語》的朗讀后,獲得了一口標準的倫敦口音,最后被英國BBC廣播公司看中,變成了BBC的記者和節(jié)目主持人?!薄  聳|方教育科技集團董事長兼總裁俞敏洪  《新概念英語》系列教材的經(jīng)典性早已不言而喻。作為教學一線的新東方教師,在培訓過數(shù)十萬名《新概念英語》學員之中和之后,我們一直在思考一個問題:《新概念英語》這套教材究竟是如何深深地吸引著中國的學生?經(jīng)過深入研究,我們驚喜地發(fā)現(xiàn)《新概念英語》這套教材除了具備一般教材的所有特點之外,還有一個非常顯著的特點一一與中國現(xiàn)在的各種考試緊密相關。這就是《新概念英語》這套教材多年以來一直煥發(fā)勃勃生機的原因所在。經(jīng)過教學實踐的無數(shù)次嘗試,也是由于我們編寫的《新概念英語同步互動習題集》等圖書的熱銷,同時也是在商務印書館教育圖書編輯室主任馮愛珍、編輯馬浩嵐的鼓勵下,我們這些新東方教師集體創(chuàng)作了《新概念英語同步互動真題集》、《新概念英語語法同步互動真題集》、《新概念英語美文欣賞》、《新概念英語名師精講筆記》等一系列叢書,準確地實現(xiàn)了《新概念英語》的每篇課文與中國現(xiàn)行考試歷年真題的完美結(jié)合?! ∷自捳f:“千里之行始于足下”,“萬丈高樓平地起”,《新概念英語同步互動真題集》(第四冊)是《新概念英語(第四冊)》學習的重要輔助練習集,只要把本書的知識點咀嚼透徹,堅實的基礎將會幫助你在中考、高考、大學英語四六級、專業(yè)八級等考試中輕松拿高分;另外,聽、說、讀、寫、譯各方面能力也會齊頭并進,為以后的英語學習奠定良好的基礎?! ”緯谋尘百Y料:  一、編寫陣容強大,編寫人員全部由新東方一線英語教師擔任?! 《⒃囶}內(nèi)容豐富,多樣的測試形式,與考試真題密切結(jié)合?! ∪㈩}例編排科學,題型設計合理,題量適中。  四、重、難點突出,有助于掌握課文要點,提高學習效率?! ∥?、使用方便,既可自測,也可在課堂上使用,附詳細的參考答案。  基于以上特點,在本書的編寫上我們爭取安排一天一課,使學生做到有的放矢。由于時間倉促,書中的不妥之處在所難免,敬請廣大讀者和英語同仁不吝批評指正。


  本書試題均來自各種考度的真題及模擬題,在逃取文章時既注意與對應課文的關聯(lián)性,又注意語言的優(yōu)稚、凝練和幽默,句型工整而又富于變化。本冊重點在于涵蓋了文化、經(jīng)濟、哲學、藝術(shù)、體育、政治、美學、心理學、社會學、倫理學、教育學、天文學等三十多個學料門類,語言文字精美獨到,句型結(jié)構(gòu)復雜多變而又不失簡潔酣暢:周時諸多文章里蘊含著深厚的哲思、美學及西方文化中獨特的思想方式,擴充、辨析有關詞匯,使學習者在領略語言之優(yōu)美的同時。學會如何將英語、漢語進行自由切換,為考生順利通過各種考試打下扎實的基礎?! ≌屏暷繕恕  翊笳扑募墶⒘?39-710分  ●考研90分  ●PETS4級和PETS5級80分  ●劍橋通用英語證書FCE  ●雅思7.5  ●新托福115分


Lesson 1 Finding fossil manLesson 2 Spare that spiderLesson 3 Matterhorn manLesson 4 Seeing handsLesson 5 YouthLesson 6 The sporting spiritLesson 7 BatsLesson 8 Trading standardsLesson 9 Royal espionageLesson 10 Silicon valleyLesson 11 How to grow old?Lesson 12 Banks and their customersLesson 13 The search for oilLesson 14 The Butterfly EffectLesson 15 Secrecy in industryLesson 16 The modern cityLesson 17 A man-made diseaseLesson 18 PorpoisesLesson 19 The stuff of dreamsLesson 20 Snake poisonLesson 21 William S. Hart and the early "Western" filmLesson 22 Knowledge and progressLesson 23 Bird flightLesson 24 BeautyLesson 25 Non-auditory effects of noiseLesson 26 The past life of the earthLesson 27 The "Vasa" Lesson 28 Patients and doctorsLesson 29 The hovercraftLesson 30 Exploring the sea-floorLesson 31 The sculptor speaksLesson 32 Galileo rebornLesson 33 EducationLesson 34 AdolescenceLesson 35 Space odysseyLesson 36 The cost of governmentLesson 37 The process of ageingLesson 38 Water and the travellerLesson 39 What every writer wantsLesson 40 WavesLesson 41 Training elephantsLesson 42 Recording an earthquakeLesson 43 Are there strangers in space?Lesson 44 Patterns of cultureLesson 45 Of men and galaxiesLesson 46 HobbiesLesson 47 The great escapeLesson 48 Planning a share portfolio答案與解析


  A Even people who accept the fact that man is just another type of animal still believe that we are special because we are the only animal of which there is only one species;all other animals exist in sever- al——sometimes hundreds of——species. But scientists have long known that the evolution of a successful animal species almost always involves trial and error, false starts and failed experiments. The human race is no exception. At just about any given moment in prehistory, our family tree included several species of hominids——erect, upright-walking primates. All were competitors in an evolutionary struggle from which only one would ultimately emerge. While we would find it bizarre to share the world with another human species, the fact that we have been alone since the Neanderthals vanished some 30,000 years ago is an evolutionary aberration.  B Experts have identified several key transitions in our evolutionary chronicle. The first, which took place around the time we diverged from the apes, between six million and four million years ago, was the develop- ment of bimetalism——two-legged walking rather than locomotion using the arms, legs and tail, which charac- terizes the monkeys. The second, which occurred perhaps 2. 5 million years ago, was the invention of tool- making——the purposeful crafting of stone implements rather than just picking up handy rocks. This led to the transition to meat eating, as tools made it easier to kill and slice up game. Then, sometime between two mil- lion and one million years ago, came the dramatic growth of the brain and our ancestors first emergence from Africa. Finally, just a few tens of thousands of years ago, our own species learned to use that powerful organ for abstract thought, which quickly led to art, music, language and all the other skills that have enthroned humans as the unchallenged rulers of their planet.  C Scientists have calculated that the great apes and hominids branched from a common ancestor be- tween six million and four million years ago. The technique the experts used was to measure the differ- ences between human and chimpanzee DNA, then averaging the rate of genetic change over time and counting backwards. This, however, remained speculation until the mid-1990s, because it was only then that actual fossils of hominids dating to the period of the sp  it were discovered, in Ethiopia and Kenya. Teams working in these countries announced that they had each found a new species of homi- nid, and both discoveries smashed the four-million-year barrier. All told, the scientists excavated the bones and teeth of 17 individuals. Given their age, no one was surprised that they showed a mix of chimpanzee-like and human traits. But the finds clearly show that these creatures were hominids and not apes, as they display evidence of the first two primary advances that mark the emergence of man from the animal kingdom.


  準備參加高考或者大學四、六級、考研考試的學生;  已經(jīng)學完《新概念英語》第二冊、第三冊或任何中高級英語教程的英語學習者;  計劃參加雅思、托福、GRE、GMAT等考試,希望做好充分準備者;  高級英語培訓班的學員;  參加PETS4級、5級考試的考生;  希望將自己的英語水平再提高一個水平,關化英語語言的學習者;  希望全方位提高文章閱讀理解水平和翻譯寫作能力的高級英語學習者  《新概念英語同步互動真題集(第4冊)》試題均來自各種考試的真題及模擬題,內(nèi)容帖近現(xiàn)實生活,覆蓋了考試涉及的各類詞匯。通近真題學習詞匯。理解不同義項的用法,全面立體常握詞匯。學好第一冊。是練好英語基本功的關鍵,為順利通過各種考試打下扎實的基礎?! W習目標:  小升初滿分  中考滿分  OPETS1級B和1級滿分  劍橋少兒英語考試2級和3級滿盾  劍橋通用英語證書PET  雅思3.5  一線名師,擔當主編;  授課精華,傾情奉獻;  一本在手,考試元憂;  真題考點,一網(wǎng)打盡!  政克 大學四級、六級、考研,新托福115,PETS4、5級,劍橋通用英語證書FCE,雅思7.5  《新概念英語同步互動真題集(第4冊)》特點及學習規(guī)劃:  1、一課一練,每天學習一小時,輕松掌握《新概念英語》第一冊!  2、單選題、完型填空或翻譯、閱讀理解、書面表述,全方位出擊,使你成為英語達人!  3、全面使用各類考試中常見的排除法,關鍵回歸定位法、復現(xiàn)法、范文背誦作文法等考度技巧。精心理解技巧“勝經(jīng)”,幫你成為考試高手!  4、結(jié)合《新概念英語》課文體會閱讀理解中的長句、難句,能講出較地道、簡練、邏輯關系清晰的英文段落!  5、模仿寫作美文中千變?nèi)f億的“關鍵型”,寫作水平獲得質(zhì)的飛躍!  6、增強英文語感:為進一步深造打下堅實的基礎!  7、學完《新概念英語同步互動真題集(第4冊)》,全面立體掌握6500-12000詞匯量!  《新概念英語》學習勝經(jīng)



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  •   閱讀理解沒解析呀!
  •   講解印刷都很好,新東方的教輔值得信任。
  •   這本書還不錯,可以跟教材配合著使用!
  •   練習有針對性,有一定難度
  •   的確不咋地

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