出版時間:2010-1 出版社:商務(wù) 作者:新東方名師編寫組 編 頁數(shù):313
“可以說我對于英語學習的興趣是被《新概念英語》這套書激發(fā)出來的。由于課文本身很有趣,所以盡管覺得吃力,我卻沒有產(chǎn)生任何厭倦情緒。我用了兩個多月的時間,就把第二冊到第四冊的200多篇課文生吞活剝地學完了。我的朋友、現(xiàn)任新東方教育科技集團常務(wù)副總裁周成剛,就是在沒日沒夜地模仿了《新概念英語》的朗讀后,獲得了一口標準的倫敦口音,最后被英國BBC廣播公司看中,變成了BBC的記者和節(jié)目主持人?!薄 聳|方教育科技集團董事長兼總裁 俞敏洪 《新概念英語》系列教材的經(jīng)典性早已不言而喻。作為戰(zhàn)斗在一線的新東方老師,在培訓過數(shù)十萬名《新概念英語》學員之中和之后,我們一直在思考一個問題:《新概念英語》這套教材究竟是如何深深地吸引著中國的學生?經(jīng)過深入研究,我們驚喜地發(fā)現(xiàn)《新概念英語》這套教材除了具備一般教材的所有特點之外,還有一個非常顯著的特點——與中國現(xiàn)在的考試緊密相關(guān)。當我們發(fā)現(xiàn)這一點時,那感覺簡直是欣喜若狂,因為我們終于找到了《新概念英語》這套教材多年以來一直煥發(fā)勃勃生機的原因。經(jīng)過教學實踐的無數(shù)次嘗試,也是由于我們編寫的《新概念英語同步互動習題集》等圖書的熱銷,同時也是在商務(wù)印書館教育圖書編輯室主任馮愛珍、編輯馬浩嵐的鼓勵下,我們這些新東方名師集體創(chuàng)作了《新概念英語同步互動真題集》、《新概念英語語法同步互動真題集》、《新概念英語美文欣賞》、《新概念英語名師精講筆記》等一系列叢書,準確地實現(xiàn)了《新概念英語》的每篇課文與中國現(xiàn)行考試歷年真題的完美結(jié)合。
Lesson 1~2Lesson 3~4Lesson 5~6Lesson 7~8Lesson 9~10Lesson 11~12Lesson 13~14Lesson 15~16Lesson 17~18Lesson 19~20Lesson 2l~22Lesson 23~24Lesson 25~26Lesson 27~28Lesson 29~30Lesson 31~32Lesson 33~34Lesson 35~36Lesson 37~38Lesson 39~40Lesson 41~42Lesson 43~44Lesson 45446Lesson 47~48Lesson 49~50Lesson 51~52Lesson 53~54Lesson 55~56Lesson 57458Lesson 59~60Lesson 61~62Lesson 63~64Lesson 65~66Lesson 67~68Lesson 69~70 Lesson 71~72 Lesson 73~74 Lesson 75476 Lesson 77~78 Lesson 79~80 Lesson 81~82 Lesson 83484 Lesson 85~86 Lesson 87~88 Lesson 89~90 Lesson 91~92 Lesson 93~94 Lesson 95~96 Lesson 97~98 Lesson 99~100 Lesson 101~102Lesson 103~104Lesson 105~106Lesson 107~108Lesson 109~110Lesson 111~112Lesson 113~114Lesson 115~116Lesson 117~118Lesson 119~120Lesson 121~122Lesson 123~124Lesson 125~126Lesson 127~128Lesson 129~130Lesson 131~132Lesson 133~134Lesson 135~136Lesson 137~138Lesson 139~140Lesson 141~142Lesson 143~144索引
"Wow!" said Susan. "I have finished my homework and Im going to paint a picture of our stairs. Its for a competition in school tomOrrow. " " Do you need any help?" Mr.Cooper asked."Its almost timefor bed. " "Ill be quick," said Susan. "I wonder what colour to use. " "Well, our stairs are brown," said her father. "Thanks, Dad," saidSusan. When she finished her picture, Susan began playing with her brushwhich was still wet. Then something happened~ She dropped the brushright on the picture ! There in the middle of her picture was a blobof brown paint !"Oh, Dad! What will I do?" Susan cried."My picture is ruined And its too late to paint another. ""Let me see," said her father. "The paint blob looks just like a spoton a dog. All you have todo is to draw a dog around the spot!" "Thats a wonderful ideal" cried Susan. She drew a dog around the blob of brown paint, "That looksjust fine~ You know, few things are as bad as they seem at first. With a little imagination you can turn badinto good," said Susans father. The next day Susan went to school early. When the competition began, Mr. King said," Ive chosen three pictures, and I want you to say whichone you like best. That picture wins !" The children did not like the first one. The next picture was on blackpaper, but the stairs were red.So it was not so good.Then Mr.King showed the third painting~Itwas Susans ! "The stairs are straight," said Joe. "Yes, and the brown paint shows up well on the white paper," said Lucy. "And look at the little dog," said Terry. "He seems to belong there. " The children voted and Susans painting won. Mr. King handed her the prize——some paints "Susan had a good idea," Mr. King said. "That little dog finished a good painting. It made the stairsseem real. "
學習目標: 小升初滿分 中考滿分 PETS1級B和1級滿分 劍橋少兒英語考試2級和3級滿盾 劍橋通用英語證書PET 雅思3.5 攻克小升初,中考,PETSI級,雅思3.5,劍橋少兒英語考試2級、3級,劍橋通用英語證書PET 《新概念英語》學習勝經(jīng) 一線教學名師 全力出擊 一線名師,擔當主編; 授課精華,傾情奉獻; 一本在手,考試無憂; 真題考點,一網(wǎng)打盡! 零起點的英語學習者; 小學高年級學生或初中一年級學生課外英語提高班; 參加中考、PETSI級B和1級考試的考生; 英語基礎(chǔ)差,欲在短期內(nèi)掌握英語基礎(chǔ)知識的學習者: 曾經(jīng)有一定的英語基礎(chǔ),但之后多年未接觸英語者; 即將出國,欲在短期內(nèi)提高口語和簡單閱讀能力,掌握日常生活對話(吃、住、行、看病、購物、談?wù)撍?、學習、約會和問候等)