亨利六世 下篇

出版時間:2011-5  出版社:商務(wù)印書館  作者:莎士比亞  頁數(shù):249  譯者:裘克安 注釋  




作者:(英國)莎士比亞(Shakespeare.W.) 注譯:裘克安


版權(quán)頁:0 Clifford, but bethink thee once again, And in thy thought o'errun my former time;   And, if thou canst for blushing, view this face, And bite thy tongue that slanders him with cowardice   Whose frown hath made thee faint and fly ere this.CLIFFORD   I will not bandy with thee word for word,   But buckle with thee blows, twice two for one.QUEEN MARGARET   Hold, valiant Clifford! For a thousand causes   I would prolong a while the traitor's life.   Wrath makes him deaf. Speak thou, Northumberland.NORTHUMBERLAND  Hold, Clifford! Do not honor him so much  To prick thy finger, though to wound his heart.  What valor were it, when a cur doth grin,   For one to thrust his hand between his teeth  When he might spurn him with his foot away? It is war's prize to take all vantages;   And ten to one is no impeach of valor.E They lay hands on York, who struggles. CLIFFORD  Ay, ay, so strives the woodcock with the gin.NORTHUMBERLAND   So doth the cony struggle in the net.YORK   So triumph thieves upon their conquered booty; So true men yield, with robbers so oermatehed.NORTHUMBERLAND   What would your grace have done unto him now?QUEEN MARGARET   Brave warriors, Clifford and Northumberland  Come, make him stand upon this molehill here.






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