出版時間:2006-3 出版社:商務(wù)印書館 作者:龔景浩 頁數(shù):155
詩歌翻譯是一門藝術(shù),是一種再創(chuàng)造。愛國華僑龔景浩先生數(shù)年前曾在商務(wù)印書館出版《英譯中國古詞精選》,受到讀者的欣賞和歡迎?! ∷m超過古稀之年,體力漸衰,但仍堅持詩歌翻譯的愛好。夜間常失眠,默誦唐詩,譯成英文詩來消遣。我有幸讀到他的手稿,覺得新穎可喜。我想許多讀者也會有同感?! ∷g的這些首唐詩都是讀者從小時就能背誦的好詩。如,李白的“靜夜思”。龔譯為“Musings on a Quiet Night”。譯文為“The bright moonlight near my cot/Seemed to me like white ground frost./I looked up to gaze at the moon;/I looked down to think of home.”多么平易、自然!雖未完全押韻,但采用英詩“近似韻”(assonance),也能產(chǎn)生聲音美。 又如,孟浩然的“春曉”。龔譯為“Spring Morn”。譯文為“Spring slumber goes on and on./Everywhere you hear birds' song./Last night there was wind and rain./How many flowers in mud have lain!”龔譯“不覺曉”采用意譯“goes on and on”,頗為傳神,似乎是睡不醒的感覺?!盎渲嗌佟弊g為感嘆句:"How many flowers in mud have lain!"也頗具匠心。押韻很自然:rain—lain?! ×硪皇诪橥踔疁o的“登鸛雀樓”。1985年我作為美國魯斯基金會的亞洲學(xué)者訪問美國康乃爾大學(xué),和該校英文系Robert Kaske教授時常來往。系中同事為他慶65歲生日。我曾譯此詩為英文為他祝壽?,F(xiàn)在讀到龔譯此詩,感到很親切,也十分欣賞他譯的這首詩作?!鞍兹找郎奖M”,龔譯為"The setting sun dips behind the mountains","dips"一詞很有力?!坝F千里目”譯為“For a better view of things out there”,也用意譯法。“更上一層樓”譯為“We need to climb one more flight of stair”。此處押韻亦佳:there—stair?! ≡倏赐蹙S的“相思”。龔譯為“Love's Yearnings”。我在昆明西南聯(lián)大任專任講師,同事英國人Robert Payne欲譯唐詩為英文,約同事參加共譯。分配給我的幾首中就有此詩??吹烬徸g感到很親切。龔譯文為: “The Red Beans grow in the South. ”(紅豆生南國) “Each spring this tall shrub puts out some new twigs. ”(春來發(fā)幾枝) “I hope you would pick a great deal.”(愿君多采擷) “They bring on th' most exquisite love's yearnings/One can feel. ”(此物最相思)龔譯最后一句用長行,甚為別致。押韻也令人滿意。 中、外譯唐詩的人很多。龔先生的譯作應(yīng)列為上乘。我喜歡英國人Arthur Wayley的譯作。我以前訪問康乃爾大學(xué)英文系,曾參加該系的詩歌朗誦會。我選了李白的“花間一壺酒”一首,曾試譯為英文,但覺不滿意,還是采用了Arthur Wayley的譯文,獲得聽眾的稱贊。我想好的譯文一方面要譯出原文的神韻,同時也要具有英詩的味道,讀起來像英詩。龔先生譯的唐詩我感到符合此要求,因此愿意推薦給讀者?! ±钯x寧 于北京大學(xué) 2003年6月
龔景浩龔景浩先生 龔景浩,1932年生于上海,曾就讀于蘇州的一所教會學(xué)?! 獤|吳大學(xué)附中,后入東吳大學(xué)建筑系,隨后考取北京大學(xué)西語系英語專業(yè),畢業(yè)后留校任教。1974年赴哈佛大學(xué)深造,先在法學(xué)院當(dāng)訪問記者,后轉(zhuǎn)入教育學(xué)院攻讀碩士學(xué)位。1976年考入“美國之音”(VOA)擔(dān)任文學(xué)評論節(jié)目撰稿人。1985年被聯(lián)合國世界銀行錄取,從事中國貸款項目的筆譯。1991年攜夫人段文慧女士返回祖國,之后潛心從事中國古典詩詞的翻譯。2006年1月逝世,享年74歲?! ∑涓庚徰┮驗橄愀壑麑崢I(yè)界人士,舅父吳永剛為著名電影導(dǎo)演。
靜夜思 李白 Musings on a Quiet Night Li Bai 游子吟 孟郊 For Her Son Who'll Be Away for a While Meng Jiao 春曉 孟浩然 Spring Morn Meng Haoran 登鸛雀樓 王之渙 Going up the Stork Tower Wang Zhihuan 相思 王維 Love's Yearnings Wang Wei 憫農(nóng)二首(一) 李紳 Sympathy for the Peasants ( I ) Li Shen 憫農(nóng)二首(二) 李紳 Sympathy for the Peasants ( H ) Li Shen 竹里館 王維 A Cottage Among Bamboos Wang Wei 尋隱者不遇 賈島 Visiting a Recluse but Finding Him out Jia Dao 江雪 柳宗元 Snow on the River Liu Zongyuan 回鄉(xiāng)偶書(一) 賀知章 Random Homecoming Writings ( Ⅰ ) He Zhizhang 九月九日憶山東兄弟 王維 Missing My Brothers on Double Ninth Day Wang Wei 樂游原 李商隱 A Spin Round Ancient Plain Li Shangyin 賦得古原草送別 白居易 Seeing off a Friend at Ancient Plain Bai Juyi 山中送別 王維 Seeing off an Old Friend from These Mountains Wang Wei 淮上與友人別 鄭谷 Parting from a Friend at Yangzhou Zheng Gu 送杜少府之任蜀川 王勃 Sending off a Friend Who Has Been Appointed a County-Level Official in Far-Away Sichuan Wang Bo 望月懷遠(yuǎn) 張九齡 Gazing at the Moon and Thinking of Someone Faraway Zhang J iuling 白石灘 王維 White Stone Beach Wang Wei 鳥鳴澗 王維 Birds Chirping over the Hill Creek Wang Wei 春夜喜雨 杜甫 Propitious Rain Falling at Midnight Du Fu 宿建德江 孟浩然 Staying Overnight on Jiande River Meng Haoran 滁州西澗 韋應(yīng)物 Chuzhou's West Brook Wei Yingwu 題破山寺后禪院 常建 Meditation Rooms at the Back of the Cleft-Boulder Hill Temple Chang Jian 絕句 杜甫 A Heptasyllabic Quatrain Du Fu 闕題 劉脊虛 A Poem Lacking a Title Liu Shenxu 送元二使安西 王維 Sending off a Friend, Who Has Been Appointed Envoy to the West Lands Wang Wei 涼州詞 王之渙 Liangzhou Song Wang Zhihuan 涼州詞 王翰 Liangzhou Song Wang Hah 夜宿山寺 李白 Staying Overnight in a Mountain Temple Li Bai 雜詩(其二) 王維 Miscellaneous Poems (Second in a Series) Wang Wei 問劉十九 自居易 Asking a Friend Bai Juyi 風(fēng) 李嶠 Wind Li Qiao 馬詩 李賀 A Horse Poem Li He 秋浦歌 李白 Autumn Waterside Songs Li Bai 劍客 賈島 Jianke Jia Dao 于易水送人 駱賓王 Sending off a Warrior By the Yishui River LuG Binwang 春怨 金昌緒 Complaint Against Spring lin Changxu 竹枝詞 劉禹錫 The Bamboo Song Liu Yuxi 城東早春 楊巨源 Early Spring in East City Yang Juyuan 晚春 韓愈 Late Spring Han Yu 山亭夏日 高駢 A Summer's Day in a Hill Garden Gao Pian 秋日 耿諱 An Autumn Day Geng Wei 白雪歌送武判官歸京 岑參 Snow (For Chief of Secretarial Staff Wu, Who Was B&ng Called Back to the Capital) Cen Shen 過故人莊 孟浩然 Visiting an Old Friend's Country Place Meng Haoran 江村即事 司空曙 Scene from a Riverside Village Sikong Shu 社日 王駕 Community Day Wang Jia 送人游吳 杜荀鶴 Seeing off a Friend, Who Was Going to Tour Suzhou Du Xunhe 楓橋夜泊 張繼 Night Boat Call at Maple Bridge, Suzhou Zhang Ji 早發(fā)白帝城 李白 Sailing Early from Baidi Town Li Bai 黃鶴樓送孟浩然之廣陵 李白 Seeing off Fellow Poet Meng Haoran, Who Was Leaving the Yellow Crane Tower for Yangzhou Li Bai 黃鶴樓 崔顥 The Yellow Crane Tower Cui Hao 夜雨寄北 李商隱 A Letter Sent North about These Nightly Rains in Bashan Mountains Li Shangyin 無題 李商隱 Poem Without a Title Li Shangyin 登幽州臺歌 陳子昂 Ascending Youzhou Terrace Chen Zi'ang 與諸子登峴首 孟浩然 Climbing Mount Xianshou with Scholarly Friends Meng Haoran 滕王閣 王勃 Prince of Teng's Pavilion-House Wang Bo 洛陽道 儲光羲 The Luoyang Highway Chu Guangxi 遣悲懷 元稹 Venting My Sorrow Yuan Zhen 贈賣松人 于武陵 To a Tree Vendor Yu Wuling 烏衣巷 劉禹錫 Black Robe Lane Liu Yuxi 清明 杜牧 The Day of Clear and Bright Du Mu 江南春 杜牧 Spring Comes to Jiangnan Du Mu 泊秦淮 杜牧 Overnight Stay on Qinhuai River, Nanjing Du Mu 山行 杜牧 Driving by the Mountain Du Mu 金縷衣 杜秋娘 Garment Stitched with Gold Threads Du Qiuniang 自遣 羅隱 Self Consolation Luo Yin 題都城南莊 崔護(hù) South Side of the Capital City Cui Hu 月下獨(dú)酌 李白 Drinking Alone Underneath a Moon Li Bai 將進(jìn)酒 李白 Drink Your Fill! Li Bai 春日憶李白 杜甫 Remembering Li Bai on a Spring Day Du Fu 春望 杜甫 Spring Outlook Du Fu 前出塞 杜甫 Song of the Fortified Town (One from a First Group of "Fortified Town" Poems) Du Fu 石壕吏 杜甫 A Village Official Du Fu 陪諸貴公子丈八溝攜妓納涼晚際遇雨 杜甫 A Cruise on Long-Ditch Creek in the Company of Some Young Gentlemen and Their "Hired" Ladies, and Got Caught in a Shower Along the Twilight Hour Du Fu 與朱山人 杜甫 To Zhu—the Mountain Person Du Fu 贈衛(wèi)八處士 杜甫 To a Younger Friend, Who Is a Retiring Sort of Person Du Fu
詩歌翻譯是一門藝術(shù),是一種再創(chuàng)造;《英譯唐詩名作選》介紹的這些首唐詩都是讀者從小時就耳熟能詳?shù)暮迷?,如:“The Red Beans grow in the South.”(紅豆生南國)“Each spring this tall shrub puts out some new twigs.”(春來發(fā)幾枝)“I hope you would pick a great deal:”(愿君多采擷)“They bring on th’most exquisite love’S yearnings/One canfeel.”(此物最相思),同時,譯文既譯出原文的神韻,也有英詩的味道,使讀者讀起來就像英詩一樣。