
出版時間:2004-10  出版社:商務(wù)印書館  作者:陳嘉,宋文林  頁數(shù):383  


  English Literature of the Mid-19th Century (Song Wenlin);English Literature of the Last Quarter of the 19th Century (Song Wenlin) ;English Literature of the First Four Decades of the Twentieth Century (Song Wenlin)等。


Chapter 6  English Literature of the Mid-19th Century (Song Wenlin) Section 1 The Historical Background:Social and 1ntellectual 1 The 1830's and 1840's 2 The Quarter-Century after 1850 Section 2 Chartist Literature 1 A General Survey of Chartist Literature: Different Literary Genres and Stages of Development 2. Two Major Chartist Poets: Ernest Jones and William James Linton 3 Gerald Massey and Minor Chartist Poets 4 Chartist Prose Fiction: Thomas Martin Wheeler and Thomas Frost Section 3 Democratic Poetry in the Age of Chartism 1 Thomas Hood and His “Song of the Shirt” 2 Ebenezer Elliott the Corn-Law Rhymer 3 Elizabeth Barrett Browning and “The Cry of the Children” Section 4 Major Novelists of Critical Realism in the Mid-19th Century 1 Charles Dickens 2 William Makepeace Thackeray 3 Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell 4 Charlotte Bront? 5 Emily Bront? 6 George Eliot Section 5 Major English Poets of the Mid-19th Century 1 Alfred Tennyson 2 Robert Browning 3 Matthew Arnold and Arthur Hugh Clough 4 Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Christina Rossetti 5 Algernon Charles Swinburne 6 Edward Fitzgerald's Translation of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám Section 6 Non-Fiction Prose in Mid-19th-Century England 1 Thomas Carlyle 2 Thomas Babington Macaulay 3 John Ruskin 4 John Henry Newman 5 John Stuart Mill 6 Thomas Henry Huxley Section 7 Minor Novelists of the Mid-19th Century 1 Charles Kinsley 2 Benjamin Disraeli 3 Edward Bulwer-Lytton 4 Charles Reade 5 William Wilkie Collins 6 Anthony Trollope Chapter 7 English Literature of the Last Quarter of the 19th Century (Song Wenlin) Section 1 The Historical Background and Different Literary Schools 1 The Historical Background: Political and 1deological 2 Different Literary Schools and Their Characteristics Section 2 William Morris and Other Writers of the Socialist Movement in the 1880s 1 William Morris 2 Other Poets in the Socialist Movement of the 1880s:Connell, Joynes, and Salt 3 Prose Writers in the Socialist Movement of the 1880:Ramsay, Harkness, and Bramsbury Section 3 Critical Realists and Other Progressive Writers 1 George Meredith 2 Thomas Hardy 3 Samuel Butler 4 Mark Rutherford Section 4 The Schools of Naturalism, Aestheticism,and Neo-Romanticism 1 The Naturalists:Gissing and Moore 2 The School of Aestheticism:Walter Pater and oscar Wilde 3 Neo-Romanticism:Robert Louis Stevenson Section 5 Apologists for 1mperalism and Colonialism:Rudyard Kipling Chapter 8 English Literature of the First Four Decades of the Twentieth Century (Song Wenlin) Section 1 The Historical and Cultural Background 1 The Historical Background: Political and Social 2 The Cultural Background Section 2 English Poetry: 1900-1940 1 A General Survey 2 Thomas Hardy 3 William Butler Yeats 4 Thomas Stearns Eliot 5 W. H. Auden 6 Hugh MacDiarmid Section 3 English Drama: 1900-1940 1 A General Survey 2 G. B. Shaw 3 James Matthew Barrie 4 The 1rish Abbey Theatre: Lady Gregory; Synge 5 Sean O'Casey Section 4 English Prose Fiction; 1900-1940 1 A General Survey 2 John Galsworthy 3 Herbert George Wells 4 Arnold Bennett 5 William Somerset Maugham 6 Joseph Conrad 7 D. H. Lawrence 8 James Joyce 9 5irginia Woolf Section 5 Literary Criticism in England: 1900-1940 1 A General Survey 2 T. S. Eliot 3 1. A. Richards 4 F. R. Leavis 5 Christopher Caudwell and 1llusion and Reality 6 Ralph Fox and The Novel and the People Section 6 English Prose (Essays and Biographies): 1900-1940 1 Essays 2 Biographies




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