出版時間:1994-6 出版社:商務(wù)出版社 作者:錢青 編 頁數(shù):574
本書對象為大學(xué)英語專業(yè)高年級以上學(xué)生及有一定英語基礎(chǔ)的文學(xué)愛好者,目的是介紹美國文學(xué)中的精萃,為理解分析所選作家及他們的作品提供指導(dǎo)和幫助,提高讀者的閱讀水平和欣賞能力?! ∪珪稚?、下兩冊。上冊選入19世紀(jì)美國作家1l位;下冊選入20世紀(jì)作家14位。所選作品包括中、長篇小說的片斷、短篇小說、詩歌、散文、文論等不同體裁。 在美國文學(xué)史中我們僅選了25位作家的作品及作品選段,對它們進(jìn)行較為深入的分析以求向讀者提供一把進(jìn)入美國文學(xué)大門的鑰匙。由于時間及篇幅所限,一些重要作家及作品未能收入選本,難免有片面的缺點?! ∶绹膶W(xué)中許多作家的長篇小說舉世聞名,本應(yīng)選其中章節(jié)加以分析,但這樣做有時會有上下脫節(jié),不易講清的弊病,因此凡能有精彩的短篇而這些短篇能在較大程度上反映作家的恩想和寫作風(fēng)格的,我們一般就不從長篇作品中截取片斷。選篇及選段長度在三十頁左右,都是未經(jīng)改寫的原著?! 「髡聝?nèi)容均包括作家簡介和選篇分析,作品選篇以及中文洼釋三大部分。生平簡介側(cè)重對作者創(chuàng)作思想和創(chuàng)作生涯有重大影響的人與事。作品介紹重點是選文的主題恩想和寫作技巧,也在一定范圍內(nèi)對作家作橫向比較?! ∽⑨屩幌抻跉v史背景,文化典故及少量詞典上不易找到的詞?! ∩?、下兩冊都有緒論,介紹時代背景、各種文學(xué)流派的興起和發(fā)展。
本書精選19、20世紀(jì)美國25位作家的名篇,作品種類包括長、短篇小說、詩歌、散文、文論等。所選篇章都是有定評的名文。全書按作家分章,每章包括作家簡介和選篇分析、作品選篇以及中文注釋三大部分。上、下兩冊各有緒論介紹時代背景、各種文學(xué)流派等。 本書可作大學(xué)英語專業(yè)高年級學(xué)生的美國文學(xué)教材,也可供學(xué)過英語并喜愛研究美國文學(xué)的同志研讀。
1.20世紀(jì)的美國社會與美國文學(xué) 錢青2.西奧多·德萊塞 李金達(dá) From Sister Carrie(Chapters 1,27,47) 3.薇拉·凱瑟 錢青 Neighbour Rosicky4.羅伯特·弗羅斯特 郭棲慶 The Tuft of Flowers Mending Wall The Death of the Hired Man Home Burial A Servant to Servants The Road Not Taken Birches Nothing Gold Can Stay Fire and Ice Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening Acceptance Departmental Design A Considerable Speck5.舍伍德·安德森 吳冰 From Winesburg,Ohio(The Book of the Grotesque, Hands,Paper Pills,Mother,Adventure,Departure)6.華萊士·史蒂文斯 李品偉 Sunday Morning Anecdote of the Jar The Snow Man The Emperor of Ice-Cream The Idea of Order at Key West Of Modern Poetry7.威廉·卡羅斯·威廉斯 唐志紅 Danse Russe Smell! Tract El Hombre Queen Ann's Lace The Widow's Lament in Springtime To Waken an Old Lady Spring and All The Red Wheelbarrow The Yachts St. Francis Einstein of the Daffodils The Young Housewife Between Walls The Poor The Last Words of My English Grandmother The Yellow Chimney A Sort of a Song Burning the Christmas Greens The Dance The Descent To Daphne and Virginia The Snow Begins8.埃茲拉·龐德 李品偉 Salutation A Pact The Rest In a Station of the Metro L' Art,1910 The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter From Hugh Selwyn Mauberley: Life and Contacts From The Cantos 9.T.S.艾略特 李品偉 The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock From The Waste Land (II. A Game of Chess) 10.弗·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德 吳冰 From The Great Gatsby (Chapters 1,2,3) 11.威廉·??思{ 王立禮 A Rose for Emily That Evening Sun Dry September12.厄內(nèi)斯特·海明威 吳冰 Soldier's Home From The Old Man and the Sea13.約翰·斯坦貝克 郭棲慶 From The Grapes of Wrath (Chapters 12,16,25,28) 14.拉爾夫·埃利森 王立禮 From Invisible Man (Chapter 1)15.索爾·貝婁 徐克容 From Seize the Day (Part 1)
Yes, and he used to bring me my breakfast, too, mightynice. I was always awful hungry!Mary admitted with a guiltylaugh.While the boys were getting the doctors horse, he went tothe window to examine the house plants.What do you do to your geraniums to keep them bloomingall winter, Mary?I never pass this house that from the roadI dont sec your windows full of flowers.She snapped off a dark red one, and a ruffled new green leaf,and put them in his buttonhole. There, that looks better. Youlook too solemn for a young man, Ed.Why dont you gitmarried?Im worried about you. Scttin at breakfast, I lookedat you real hard, and I seen youve got some grey hairs already.Oh, yes!Theyre coming.Maybe theyd come faster if Imarried.Don)t talk so.Youll ruin your health eating at the hotel.I could send your wife a nice loaf of nut bread,~ if you onlyhad one.I dont like to see a young man getting grey.Illtell you something, Ed; you make some strong black tea andkeep it handy in a bowl, and every morning just brush it intoyour hair, an itll kccp the grey from showin much.Thatsthe way I dolSometimes the doctor heard the gossipers in the drugstorewondering why Rosicky didnt get on faster.He was indus-trious, and so were his boys, but they were rather free andeasy, werent pushers, and they didnt always show good judg.ment.They were comfortable, they were out of debt, butthey didnt get much ahead. Maybe, Doctor Burleigh reflected,people as generous and warmhearted and affectionate as theRosickys never got ahead much; maybe you could not enjoyyour Life and put it into the bank. too.