
出版時(shí)間:1986-1  出版社:商務(wù)印書館  作者:陳嘉  頁數(shù):483  


  Selected Readings in English Literature is to serve as a textbook for Readings in English Literature, a companion-course to History of English Literature, for third-and fourth-year students majoring i


Chapter VI ENGLISH LITERATURE OF EARLY 19TH CENTURY   Section I  The Historical Background and the Literary Trends in       Early 19th-Century England.   1. The Historical Background: Economic, Political and Ideological.   2. The Literary Trends: The Romantic Movement in English     Literature as Part of the Romantic Movement in European     Literature; Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley and     Keats; the Prose Fiction of Walter Scott and Jane Austen;     the Different Schools of Prose Writers.   Section II  Romantic Poetry in Early 19th-Century England.   1.  Wordsworth.   2.  Coleridge.   3.  Byron .   4.  Shelley.   5.  Keats.   Section III  English Prose in Early 19th Century.   1.  Prose Fiction: Walter Scott; Jane Austen.   2.  Significant Writers of Prose in Late 18th and Early 19th     Centuries: William Godwin, Paine, Cobbett.   3.  Essayists in Early 19th Century: William Hazlitt, Charles      Lamb; Thomas De Quincey. Chapter VII ENGLISH LITERATURE OF MID-NINETEENTH CENTURY   Section I  The Historical Background:Social and Intellectual   Section II  Chartist Literature.   1. A General Survey of Chartist Literature: Different     Literary Genres, Stages of Development.   2. Two Major Chartist Poets: Ernest Jones and William James Linton.   3. Gerald Massey and Minor Chartist Poets.   4. Chartist Prose Fiction: Thomas Martin Wheeler,Thomas Frost.   Section III  Democratic Poetry in the Age of Chartism.   1.  Thomas Hood and His “Song of the Shirt”.   2.  Ebenezer Elliott the Corn-Law Rhymer.   3.  Elizabeth Barrett Browning and “The Cry of the Children”.   Section IV  Major Novelists of Critical Realism in the Mid-19th Century.   1.  Charles Dickens.   2.  William Makepeace Thackeray.   3.  Elizabeth Gaskell.   4.  Charlotte Brontё.   5.  Emily Brontё.   6.  George Eliot.   Section V  Major English Poets of the Mid-19th Century.   1.  Alfred Tennyson.   2.  Robert Browning.   3.  Matthew Arnold and Arthur Hugh Clough.   4.  Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Christina Rossetti.   5.  Algernon Charles Swinburne.   6.  Edward Fitzgerald's Translation of the“Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam”.   Section VI  Non-Fiction Prose in Mid-19th-Century England.    1.  Thomas Carlyle.    2.  Thomas Babington Macaulay.    3.  John Ruskin.    4.  John Henry Newman.    5.  John Stuart Mill.    6.  Thomas Henry Huxley.   Section VII Minor Victorian Novelists: Charles Kingsley,        Benjamin Disraeli, Edward Bulwer-Lytton,        Charles Reade, Wilkie Collins, Anthony Trollope.     Chapter VIII ENGLISH LITERATURE OF THE LAST QUARTER OF THE 19TH CENTURY




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