
出版時間:1981-7  出版社:商務印書館  作者:復旦大學外文學文科英語教 組  頁數(shù):242  


本冊可供高等學校文科(非英語專業(yè))一年級下學期使用?! ”緝允窃诒拘M馕南倒餐庹Z教研室原文科一年級教材(李蔭華、郁明亮、胡忠茂、程德等同志編寫)的基礎上編寫而成。主要編寫人員有:王慧玲、李蔭華、俞耀生、程德、任建國等同志,由董亞芬同志審校。此外,承外籍教員Ruth Hayhoe等協(xié)助審閱全部課文、對話和補充讀物。


Lesson One  Text:Tom Meets with the Prince  Dialogue:Asking the Way  Grammar:Ⅰ.The Preposition   Ⅱ.The Absolute Forms of the Possessive Pronoun   Ⅲ.The Reflexive Pronoun  Word Study:get,haveLesson Two  Text:Lost--A Coat  Dialogue:Advice  Grammar:The Present Perfect Tense  Word Study:take,bringLesson Three  Text:The Sea  Dialogue:Weather  Grammar:Ⅰ.The Degrees of Comparison of the Adjective and the Adverb   Ⅱ.The Numeral  Word Study:look,knowLesson Four  Text:The Taj Mahal  Dialogue:At the Post Office  Grammar:Ⅰ.The Voice   Ⅱ.The Passive Voice(Ⅰ)  Word Study:go,comeLesson Five  Text:All for the Wounded  Dialogue:Illness  Grammar:Ⅰ.Types of Sentences   Ⅱ.The Adverbial Clause(Ⅰ)  Word Study:turn,leaveLesson Six  Text:Britain  Dialogue:A Telephone Call  Grammar:The Object Clause(Ⅰ)  Word Study:feel,holdRevision Exercises(LL.1--6)Lesson Seven  Text:The Peace Rose(Ⅰ)  Dialogue:Shopping  Grammar:Ⅰ.The Attributive Clause(Ⅰ)   Ⅱ.The Past Continuous Tense  Word Study:tell,growLesson Eight  Text:The Peace Rose(Ⅱ)  Dialogue:At the Barber Shop  Grammar:Ⅰ.The Non-finite Forms of the Verb   Ⅱ.The Infinitive(Ⅰ)   Ⅲ.The Past Perfect Tense  Word Study:see,hopeLesson Nine  Text:The Boston Tea Party  Dialogue:At the Restaurant  Grammar:Ⅰ.The Passive Voice(Ⅱ)   Ⅱ.The Object Complement and the Subject Complement  Word Study:make,spendLesson Ten  Text:Bank Services  Dialogue:Hobbies  Grammar:The Infinitive(Ⅱ)  Word Study:find,askLesson Eleven  Text:The Grateful Crane  Dialogue:Making Vacation Plans  Grammar:Ⅰ.The Participle(Ⅰ)   Ⅱ.The Past Future Indefinite Tense  Word Study:say,keepLesson Twelve  Text:Sailing Round the World  Dialogue:Seeing Someone Off  Gramme:The Gerund(Ⅰ)  Word Study:meet,beginRevision Exercises(LL.7--12)Supplementary Readings  Ⅰ.The Prince's New Life Begins  Ⅱ.Lost in,the Fog  Ⅲ.Food from the Sea  Ⅳ.The Lorelei  Ⅴ.Dr.Bethune Apologized  Ⅵ.Cambridge--The University Town  Ⅶ.'Little Red Devils'  Ⅷ.Over the Himalayas and Beyond  Ⅸ.The Boycott  Ⅹ.Early Days of the,Mail.  Ⅺ.A Wise Judge  Ⅻ.An Unknown Young PilotAppendix 1  Irregular Verbs to Be Found in Book I and Book ⅡAppendix 2  Differences in British and American SpellingsAppendix 3  PoemsAppendix 4  Songs and RiddlesAppendix 5  Vocabulary





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  •   英語而外學它,感覺不錯!
  •   大概大部分都是二外,所以學這個教材的吧,書店貌似還真難淘到這套書,網(wǎng)上確實方便實惠。便宜方便!!
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  •   正看著 覺得不錯
  •   經(jīng)常用它做教輔?。?!
  •   就是紙張?zhí)?,?nèi)容還行啊..初級英語的人
  •   書還好 內(nèi)容還是比較簡單的
  •   一般吧 就是考試用~!

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