
出版時間:2012-06-01  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:柳吉良,賀義輝 編  頁數(shù):82  


  《新理念高職英語立體化系列教材:新理念高職英語教師用書1》嘗試將課堂學(xué)練和課下學(xué)練結(jié)合起來,讓學(xué)生在課堂上通過聽課和學(xué)練掌握知識,并通過課下的《學(xué)學(xué)練練》進行自主學(xué)練鞏固和消化知識,并內(nèi)化為技能?!  缎吕砟罡呗氂⒄Z立體化系列教材:新理念高職英語教師用書1》的編寫就采用了任務(wù)型教學(xué)法的理念,通過讓學(xué)習(xí)者完成系統(tǒng)性的多項task(任務(wù))和step(步驟)達到學(xué)習(xí)知識和訓(xùn)練技能的目的。


Unit 1 A Successful Transition from high School to CollegeSection 1 Warm-up ActivitiesSection 2 Nice Sound and Excellent ListenerSection 3 Fluent SpeakerSection 4 Good ReaderSection 5 Extended Skills and KnowledgeSection 6 ABC: MonthsUnit 2 Colorful College Campus LifeSection 1 Warm-up ActivitiesSection 2 Nice Sound and Excellent ListenerSection 3 Fluent SpeakerSection 4 Good ReaderSection 5 Extended Skills and KnowledgeSection 6 ABC: Seven Days in a WeekUnit 3 How Can I Study Well at CollegeSection 1 Warm-up ActivitiesSection 2 Nice Sound and Excellenr ListenerSection 3 FluentSpeakerSection 4 Good ReaderSection 5 Extended Skills and KnowledgeSection 6 ABC: Cardinal NumeralsUnit 4 Good Interpersonal RelationshipSection 1 Warm-up ActivitiesSection 2 Nice Sound and Excellent ListenerSection 3 FluentSpeakerSection 4 Good ReaderSection S Extended Skills and KnowledgeSection 6 ABC: Ordinal NumeralsUnit 5 Knowing About EnglishSection 1 Warm-up ActiviriesSection 2 Nice Sound and Excellent ListenerSection 3 FluentSpeakerSection 4 Good ReaderSection 5 Extended Skills and KnowledgeSection 6 ABC: Personal, Possessive and Reflexive PronounsUnit 6 Highter EducationSection 1 Warm——up ActivitiesSection 2 Nice Sound and Excellent ListenerSection 3 FluentSpeakerSection 4 Good ReaderSection 5 Ext:ended Skills and KnowledgeSection 6 ABC: Demonstrative and Reciprocal PronounsUnit 7 Higher Vocational EducationSection 1 Warm-up ActivitiesSection 2 Nice Sound and Excellent ListenerSection 3 FluentSpeakerSection 4 Good ReaderSection 5 Extended Skills and KnowledgeSection 6 ABC: Interrogative, Relative and Conjunctive PronounsUnit 8 What Is an Engineer?Section 1 Warm-up ActivitiesSection 2 Nice Sound and Excellent ListenerSection 3 FluentSpeakerSection 4 Good ReaderSection 5 Extended Skills and KnowledgeSection 6 ABC: Indeflnite Pronouns



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