
出版時(shí)間:2012-7  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:韓國(guó)能率出版社 編  頁(yè)數(shù):488  字?jǐn)?shù):786000  




托福網(wǎng)考(TOEFL iBT)介紹
Actual Test 1
Actual Test 2
Actual Test 3
Actual Test 4
Actual Test 5
Actual Test 6
Actual Test 7
Actual Test 8
Actual Test 9
Actual Test 10
Actual Test 1
Actual Test 2
Actual Test 3
Actual Test 4
Actual Test 5
Actual Test 6
Actual Test 7
Actual Test 8
Actual Test 9
Actual Test 10


  PART 1 PASSAGE 1  Listen to part of a conversation between a student and an academic advisor.  W: Mr. Patel, I’m here for my appointment.  M: Come on in, Michelle. What can I do for you  W: 01 I want to talk to you about possibly dropping one of my classes.  M: Which one  W: Organic Chemistry. I really want to do well in the course, but right now I’m not sure I can even get a passing grade in the class. I flunked the first midterm.  M: How many credits are you taking this semester  W: 15, but if I drop O-Chem, I’ll be down to 11 credits.  M: You know that you need to take at least 12 credits a semester in order to be considered a full-time student. Is there something going on in your life that’s interfering with your school work  W: 02 Well, I wouldn’t say it’s interfering. I play on the varsity basketball team for the school, and I’m having a hard time juggling my basketball time commitments and my school work. And I know I need to maintain at least a C average to keep my basketball scholarship.  M: I didn’t know that you’re here on a basketball scholarship. I guess keeping your grades up is very important to you. So, what position do you play How is the season going  W: I play point guard for the team. We’re doing pretty well so far this season. All of our starters are returning from last year, and I think that we have a good shot at making it to the playoffs.  M: That’s great. How did you manage your time last semester  W: Pretty well, because basketball season hadn’t officially started yet. 02 Now that it’s winter, I don’t even have time to sleep.  M: So, when would you take O-Chem again  W: I was thinking of taking it during summer school, when I can concentrate fully on the class and not be distracted by anything else.  M: 03 If you drop O-Chem, you need another course to meet the 12-credit requirement to keep your scholarship, too. Any thoughts on what you would take instead of O-Chem  W: I was thinking of taking a seminar or survey course on a pass-fail basis for one unit.  M: That would work. However, the shopping period for classes is over, and you’ll have to get your O-Chem professor’s permission to drop the class. Here’s the form to drop the class. Have your professor sign the form, and return it to the registrar’s office by Friday.  W: What about the class I need to add  M: Do you have any specific seminars in mind  W: No, not really. I haven’t had a chance to look over the course catalog yet.  M: 04 There’s a very interesting seminar that does a survey on the major world religions. Or if you really like music, the music appreciation seminar is taught by a very talented graduate student in music. I’ve heard only positive things about the seminar, and all the students ell me that they learned so much about music. I don’t think either class would count towards your major requirements, but I think they might fulfill one of your breadth requirements.  W: Okay. I’ll check out both of those seminars and see which one fits better into my schedule.  M: While you’re here, you should take the form to add a class.  05When you figure out which seminar you want to take, have the instructor or professor sign the form and return it to the registrar’s office as well.  W: I feel a lot better now that I’ve talked to you.  M: I’m glad I could help. 05 Just make sure that you return those forms to the registrar’s office y Friday. Otherwise, you won’t be able to drop O-Chem, and you’ll be stuck with the lass for the rest of this semester.  W: I’ll make sure that I return the forms by the end of this week. Thanks again.  drop 放棄,漏掉  Organic Chemistry 有機(jī)化學(xué)  passing grade 及格分  flunk(考試)落榜,砸了  semester 學(xué)期  credit 學(xué)分  full-time student 全日制學(xué)生  interfere 干涉,妨礙  varsity(大學(xué)、高中的)代表隊(duì)  commitment (金錢(qián)、時(shí)間、人力的)投入,貢獻(xiàn)  scholarship 獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金  starter(開(kāi)始賽跑的)選手,主力  distract 讓分心  requirement 必要條件,必需  permission 允許,許可  registrar’s office 教務(wù)處  graduate student 研究生  breadth requirement 選修  be stuck with 被困住了  ……?





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