
出版時(shí)間:2011-08-01  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:Mary Lee Wholey 著  頁(yè)數(shù):261  


  《大學(xué)英語(yǔ)交互閱讀教程2》內(nèi)容及特色如下:  1.選篇經(jīng)典,題材多樣,內(nèi)容豐富  閱讀能力是在大量實(shí)踐中培養(yǎng)起來(lái)的。 《大學(xué)英語(yǔ)交互閱讀教程》1-4冊(cè)提供了大量閱讀文章,本教材以主題劃分單元,每?jī)?cè)6個(gè)單元,每個(gè)單元包含2個(gè)章節(jié),每個(gè)章節(jié)選有3-6篇與主題相關(guān)的文章。單元主題導(dǎo)入部分采用引文、照片或者圖片的方式,調(diào)動(dòng)學(xué)習(xí)者的興趣,引發(fā)學(xué)習(xí)者個(gè)人相關(guān)體驗(yàn)的回憶,圖文并茂,生動(dòng)活潑。選文以當(dāng)代英語(yǔ)常見(jiàn)語(yǔ)體或文體的典型樣本為素材,語(yǔ)言清新、真實(shí)地道;內(nèi)容豐富,體裁多樣,有隨筆、訪談、故事、雜感、短評(píng)等。文章內(nèi)容涉及文化、科學(xué)、環(huán)境、經(jīng)濟(jì)、體育、藝術(shù)等,信息性、趣味性、時(shí)代性強(qiáng),兼具科學(xué)性、合理性和實(shí)用性。通過(guò)對(duì)文章的分析閱讀,學(xué)習(xí)者不僅可以較快地提高語(yǔ)言水平,而且還可以擴(kuò)大知識(shí)面,了解諸多學(xué)科的相關(guān)背景知識(shí),在學(xué)習(xí)語(yǔ)言的同時(shí)獲取知識(shí)與信息?! ?.練習(xí)設(shè)計(jì)精巧,形式多樣,寓學(xué)于樂(lè)  《大學(xué)英語(yǔ)交互閱讀教程2》突破傳統(tǒng)練習(xí)的刻板模式,貫徹“任務(wù)依托式”的教學(xué)理念,盡可能地采用交互式的活動(dòng)形式。


reading matters 2: overviewacknowledgmentsintroduction to the second editionunit 1habits ora lifetimechapter 1 where does the time go?time management for academic successharvard university's habits for successchapter 2 habits of a lifetime: are we affected?1 a life well lived the road less traveled2 the secrets of a long life a positive approach to lifehealthu habits—— the companu waychapter 3 the power of napswe need to nap)who naps most?the city that never sleepsu nit 2exptoring our rootschapter 4 what's in a name?the roots of our namesnew names: who decides?the business of nameschapter 5 researching our hidden roots1 john's storya surprising discovery2 joy's storg what's your medical history?destiny: a father and child reunionchapter 6 writing our otun historgour own storiesmu life as a sandwichunit 3monegmatterschapter 7 starting ~oung: learning the value of honegcan we teach kids to save?should this child be working?the vouth market 3ust keeps on growingchapter 8 lotteries: good for societg?1 lottery luckagainst all odds2 lottery lossbeating the oddsteen gambling: the hidden addictionchapter 9 the future of moneghow will vou be paying?pennies from heavenin debt at the altar: a wedding on creditunit 4 protecting naturechapter 10 night light pollutionthe disappearing darknesssaving the skythe 3 gus of stargazingchapter 11 the return of the wolves1 wolves in the wildwolves in vellowstone national parkthe wolves next doorthe unknown lives of wolvesluna the orcachapter 12 protecting water resourcesglobal water shortagesunit 5 personautychapter 13 the zmportance of friendshipwith a little help from her friendsnew kidney is gift from the heartnewman's own: friendship and business can mixchapter 14 living with our emotions178.'1 coping with shynesscan shyness be overcome?2 coping with worrydon't let vour worries get to vousharingchapter 15 handwriting and our personautggraphology: can it be trusted?the lowdown on handwriting analysisthe letter detectiveunit 6the search for answerschapter 16 the mystery of the icemanthe iceman of the alpsmummified hunter ate wellchapter 17 what will happen to the titanic?1 the tragedy of the titanictitanic lost!2 the titanic rediscoveredtitanic found!trying to save the titaniclocating the little princechapter 18 the anasazi: why did they leave?mystery of the southwestthe mystery of the cliff dwellerstext creditsword list



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