
出版時(shí)間:2011-08-01  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:沃利  頁(yè)數(shù):262  




Reading Matters 4:OverviewAcknoculedgmentsIntroduction to the Second EditionUNIT 1 CreativitgChapter 1 Laughter: The Creative ForceThe Science of JokesThe Science of LaughterHow Laughter LUorksChapter 2 Our Creative BrainFrom Bird by Bird1 Children Are Our Best Teachers, Part ASpecialTalents, Part A2 Children Are Our Best Teachers, Part BSpecialTalents, Part BMental BreakoutUNIT 2 Bodg Science: Movingin NeLu DirectionsChapter 3 AgingReversing Human AgingSecond Thoughts on extending Life SpansScience Values Grandm othersChapter 4 Bodg ShapeHow We Grew So BigThe Gorge-Yourself Environment1 Fitness:The One Hour/Day WauJourneg to Better Fitness Starts With 10,000 Steps2 Fitness:The Six Minutes/Day WayShort Intensive Workouts Are Just as Effective as Long SessionsUNIT 3 The environmentChapter 5 NaturaL DisastersThe Boxing Dag 2004 TsunamiHow Hero Saved His Familg from KilLer LUaveChapter 6 Urban GroLuth and Water SuppLgThe LUorLd Shortage of LUater1 The Sinking CitgLUater Crisis as Mexico Citg Sinks Faster than Venice2 The Thirstg KingdomIn Jordan, the Feared Mideast Water Shortage Is Alreadg RealitgUNIT 4 The Age of CommunicationsChapter 7 The Internet: Blessing or CurseInvasion of Privacg1 Benefits of Online Crime?Fighting Crime One Computer at a Tme2 Friendship On Line?Web Friend or Faux?Chapter 8 CeLL Phones:BLessing or CurseCell Phone:A Convenience, a Hazard, or Both?Cell Phones Have Transformed How We CommunicateA World of DifferenceUNIT 5 EconomicsChapter 9 The Economics of Evergdag LifeIs There Another Wag to Pag?Just Swipe ItChapter 10 The Business of EthicsHow to TeLL Right from Wrong1 The Rewards of EthicalBehaviorIs Ethics Its Own Reward?2 Mixing Business and MoralsCan Business and Morals Mix?UNIT 6 The World of Man and AnimalsWord List


  教材特色:  選篇經(jīng)典,題材多樣,內(nèi)容豐富  練習(xí)設(shè)計(jì)精巧,形式多樣,寓學(xué)于樂  融合多種技能,培養(yǎng)閱讀策略,授人以漁



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