
出版時間:2011-11  出版社:高等教育  作者:(波)簡思科//李俊//(越南)馮  頁數(shù):342  




Welcoming Speech (Extended) by lriedrich Hirzebruch
Speech of Thanks by Shing-Tung Yau
Part I. Monge-Ampre Equations and Nonlinear PartialDifferential
Zbigniew Btocki: On Geodesics in the Space of K/hler Metrics
Udo Simon and Ruiwei Xu: Geometric Modelling Techniques for
theSolution of Certain Monge-Ampre Equations
Ovidiu Savin: A Localization Property at the Boundary
forMonge-Ampre Equation
Stawomir Dinew and Stawomir Kotodziej: PluripotentiM Estimates
onCompact Hermitian Manifolds
Duong H. Phong and Jacob Sturm: On Pointwise Gradient Estimatesfor
the Complex Monge-Ampre Equation
Luis Caffarelli, Yah Yah Li and Louis Nirenberg: Some Remarks
onSingular Solutions of Nonlinear Elliptic Equations. II.
Symmetryand Monotonicity via Moving Planes
Part II. Canonical Metrics in Kihler Geometry
Simon K. Donaldson: Calabi-Yau Metrics on Kummer Surfaces as a
ModelGluing Problem
Jian Song and Yuan Yuan: The Khler-Ricci Flow on Singular
Valentino Tosatti: The K-energy on Small Deformations of Constant
ScalarCurvature Khler Manifolds
Part III. General Relativity and Yang-Mills Theory
De-Xing Kong and Kefeng Liu: Time-periodic Solutions of the
EinsteinField Equations
Mu-Tao Wang: Quantitative Properties of the New Quasilocal
Mike Scherfner, Simon Weiss and Shing-Tung Yau: A Review of
theChern Conjecture for Isoparametric Hypersurfaces in
Mark Stern: Geometry of Stable Yang-Mills Connections
Part IV. Algebraic and Symplectic Methods
Kwokwai Chan and Naichung Conan Leung: Matrix Factorizationsfrom
SYZ Transformations
Dominic Joyce: On Manifolds with Corners
Goo Ishikawa and Stanistaw Janeczko: Symplectic Invariants
ofParametric Singularities
Fabrizio Catanese: Irreducibility of the Space of Cyclic Covers
ofAlgebraic Curves of Fixed Numerical Type and the
IrreducibleComponents of Sing(92;tg)
Meirav Amram, David Garber, Robert Shwartz and Mina Teicher:8-point
-- Regenerations and Applications



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