
出版時間:2011-6  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:陳準(zhǔn)民、陳建平 、沈素萍 分冊  頁數(shù):215  


  《金融英語閱讀(第2版)》的修訂在這樣一個大環(huán)境下進(jìn)行,高等教育出版社組織的專家給教材的修訂提供了寶貴意見,使教材內(nèi)容更加貼近金融領(lǐng)域。例如增加了世界銀行、國際貨幣基金組織和中國人民銀行的功能及其在世界金融經(jīng)濟(jì)中所發(fā)揮的作用等的篇章,在相關(guān)課文的練習(xí)中選用反映金融發(fā)展和金融危機(jī)的最新內(nèi)容,替換了原有材料,并增加了課文的難句理解譯文以及補(bǔ)充閱讀練習(xí)的答案?! 【唧w修改內(nèi)容如下:  1)重新編寫了第一至三章的課文和補(bǔ)充閱讀課文;  2)更新了第五、七、九、十章補(bǔ)充閱讀的內(nèi)容,更換了第十一章和第十二章的補(bǔ)充閱讀文章;  3)主課文增設(shè)難句理解;  4)更換了第七、八、十四章填空練習(xí)的內(nèi)容;對英譯漢練習(xí)內(nèi)容進(jìn)行了調(diào)整;第四至七章、第十二至十四章練習(xí)內(nèi)容更換為課文內(nèi)段落;  5)補(bǔ)充練習(xí)增加了答案。


chapter1 the pbc's development in 60 years supplementary reading the monetary-policy maze chapter2 international monetary fund supplementary reading empowering the imf: should reform be a requirement for increasing imf's resources? chapter3 the world bank group supplementary reading banking on coal: why is the world bank subsidizing one of the planet's dirtiest fuels? 42 chapter4 money and finance supplementary reading the financial system: domestic and international chapter5 the evolution of the payments system supplementary reading australian payments system chapter6 what are central banks? supplementary reading restructuring of chinese banking industry chapter7 the federal reserve system supplementary reading formal structure of the federal reserve system chapter8 commercial banks: history of banking supplementary reading comments on balance-sheet items chapter9 bank management supplementary reading comments on profit and loss account chapter10 financial market supplementary reading money market instruments chapter11 the investment process supplementary reading emerging markets chapter12 insurance supplementary reading insurance powers of banking institutions chapter13 euro supplementary reading euro banknotes and coins chapter14 the uruguay round subsidies agreement supplementary reading contract answer key


  Prior to the launch of euro banknotes, each NCB was responsible for commissioningproduction of its national requirements, and although there was a small amount of crossbordermovement of banknote stocks for logistical reasons, the code letter was a good indicator of theissuing NCB.  However, in the present post-launch phase, a decentralized pooling system is in operation,which means that individual NCBs are only responsible for the production of one or twospecific banknote denominations. This, coupled with the ability of an NCB to re-issue any fiteuro banknotes which have been brought into the respective country, means that the prefix codeletter no longer provides a direct link to the issuer of a banknote.Coins  The Member States of the euro area are responsible for issuing euro coins. In practice, thistask is typically taken care of by the Treasury Departments of the National Finance Ministries,while the coins are produced by the national mints.  EU finance ministers meeting at Verona in spring 1996 decided that the euro coins wouldhave a common European side and an individual national side.  The Commission launched a Europe-wide competition to select a design for the commonface. The competition was based on three themes: architectural and ornamental style, aims andideals of the EU, and European personalities.   ……?




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