
出版時間:2011-5  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:徐小貞,唐小毅 編  頁數(shù):189  




Unit 1 Get Started : The Basics of Office Administration1.1 Understand the Administrative Work1.2 Take Up the Role of Administrative Staff1.3 Plan Your Career DevelopmentUnit 2 Maintain a Healthy, Safe and Effective Working Environment2.1 Create and Maintain a Healthy, Safe and Secure Workplace2.2 Monitor Office Controls, Standards and Documentation2.3 Manage Storage and Retrieval of InformationUnit 3 Manage Business Communications3.1 Plan and Carry Out Oral and Electronic Business Communications3.2 Plan and Carry Out Written Business Communications3.3 Support Communications by Use of Visual AidsUnit 4Organise Business Meetings and Appointments4.1 Plan and Facilitate Meetings4.2 Attend, Support and Record Meetings4.3 Manage Business AppointmentsUnit 5 Organise Business Trips5.1 Prepare for Business Trips5.2 Plan Business Trips Abroad5.3 Arrange Business Trip Follow-upsUnit 6 Develop Positive Working Relationships6.1 Get On Well with Colleagues6.2 Carry Out Effective Teamwork and Support for Others6.3 Present a Positive Image to External ContactsReferences



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