出版時間:2011-6 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:《大學(xué)英語選修課/學(xué)科課程系列教材》項目組 編 頁數(shù):171
《英語報刊選讀》由三大部分組成,第一部分為導(dǎo)論,第二部分按照話題來介紹英語報刊,第三部分按照文類來介紹英語報刊。全書共13個單元,每單元又分兩個部分,第一部分是本單元的背景介紹,第二部分是各單元的主體,由三篇課文組成,均為英美主流報刊最新選段,每篇課文后附有詞匯注釋和練習(xí)。練習(xí)中,除了課文理解方面的問題之外,我們還設(shè)計了“批判閱讀”(critical reading)類問題,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生對課文內(nèi)容進(jìn)行深度思考,形成自己的觀點。這恰恰也是我們閱讀報刊的另一重要目的:發(fā)現(xiàn)別人的觀點,評價別人的觀點,找到自己的觀點。“批判閱讀”有助于學(xué)生養(yǎng)成獨立思考的習(xí)慣。此外,網(wǎng)絡(luò)上還有補充材料,供有余力和興趣的讀者閱讀。
part one introduction unit 1the mainstream english newspapers and magazines part two newspaper & magazine readings by subject unit 2 politics unit 3 economics unit 4 military affairs unit 5 environment unit 6 education unit 7 sports unit 8 entertainment unit 9 book reviews part three newspaper & magazine readings by variety unit 10 weather forecasts unit 11 graphics unit 12 shows unit 13 relationship advice
But after the banks collapsed in early October, the currency slumped and domesticinterest rates rose sharply (see chart 2). Exchange controls imposed in the heat of thecrisis have severely restricted access to hard currency. Initially, there were fears for thepayments system. But after an initial panic, credit and debit cards appear to work normallyagain; Reykjavik's stores are filled with Christmas shoppers, and restaurants still serve upexpensive delicacies such as grilled whale. But people are mostly living on borrowed time as well as borrowed money. The IMFprogramme forecasts that the economy will contract by 9.6% next year. Many workershave been laid off but, thanks to Iceland's labour laws, they have three months' notice, sothe impact is not yet being fully felt. Many young Icelanders are expected to lose theirjobs as businesses shut down. Vilhjalmur Egilsson, head of the Confederation of IcelandicEmployers, the main business organisation, says that corporate Iceland is technicallybankrupt because of its foreign debts. It is unable to refinance loans because the newcapital controls mean all credit to the country has dried up. With unemployment rising, citizens talk openly about defaulting on their home andcar loans (those flashy Range Rovers are now known dryly as Game Overs). Principalpayments on local-currency mortgages are indexed to inflation, which is expected to be20% this year. Because of this and their foreign-currency exposure, many households'debts have doubled in krona terms. Sirry Hjaltested, a pre-school teacher who joins in theSaturday protests, says that her grocery bills have gone up by half in a few months. Sheblames the country's reckless bankers for the ruin of the economy. If I met a banker, shesays, I'd kick his ass so hard, my shoes would be stuck inside. ……