
出版時(shí)間:2011-5  出版社:高等教育  作者:王桂珍  頁(yè)數(shù):258  




list of phonetic symbols and signssection i introductionsection ii english phonemeslesson 1 english phonemes (i)lesson 2 english phonemes (ii)lesson 3 english phonemes (iii)lesson 4 english phonemes (iv)lesson 5 english phonemes (v)lesson 6 consonant clusterssection iii rhythmic structure of englishlesson 7 word stress and sentence stresslesson 8 sentence stress: basic principles (i)lesson 9 sentence stress: basic principles (ii)lesson 10 sentence stress: summarylesson 11 linking (i)lesson 12 linking (ii)lesson 13 assimilationlesson 14 elision and contractionlesson 15 weak forms (i)lesson 16 weak forms (ii)lesson 17 weak forms (iii)lesson 18 weak forms (iv)lesson 19 weak forms (v)lesson 20 stress and rhythm: revisionsection iv intonation structure of englishlesson 21 intonation: the falling tonelesson 22 intonation: the rising tonelesson 23 intonation: the fall-rise tonelesson 24 intonation: tone unitslesson 25 intonation: the use of toneslesson 26 intonation: its functionslesson 27 intonation: revision (i)lesson 28 intonation: revision (ii)test papersreferencesnotes and suggested key tothe exercises


  Often students complain that the native speakers of English speak very fast -so fast that they find it difficult to follow. This may be true sometimes, especially when the native speaker is talking naturally to other native speakers. But more often than not the problem is that the students are unfamiliar with the rhythmic pattern of English. Some students of English try their best to pronounce every sound in word sclearly just as when they appear as individual words. If one speaks like this to native:speakers of English they can certainly understand you, but they would find it difficult to concentrate for long, as your speech sounds so unnatural. What is worse is that you will find yourself unable to follow a native speaker when he speaks naturally. You can catch the words that are said clearly but may mistake those sounds strung together for new words. This is the reason why we must learn the speech rhythms of English.  ……





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