
出版時間:2011-4  出版社:高等教育  作者:劉乃銀|主編:黃源深//虞蘇美  頁數(shù):270  


  《英語泛讀教程·學(xué)生用書(第3版)》供高等學(xué)校英語專業(yè)一、二年級使用,也適用于同等程度的英語自學(xué)者。全套教材共4冊?!队⒄Z泛讀教程·學(xué)生用書(第3版)》為第一冊,共15個單元。單元一般分為四部分:第一部分為閱讀課文及練習(xí),練習(xí)包括判斷課文中心思想、閱讀理解、課堂討論題和詞匯練習(xí);第二部分為閱讀技巧,重點介紹各種閱讀技巧,并配有相應(yīng)的練習(xí);第三部分為快速閱讀練習(xí),提供3篇短文,要求在規(guī)定的時間內(nèi)完成;第四部分為課外閱讀,提供和課文長度相當(dāng)?shù)恼Z言材料,配有閱讀理解題和思考題?! ”窘滩牡谌嫣鎿Q了第二版的部分內(nèi)容,并根據(jù)難易程度調(diào)整了單元順序,使閱讀文章題材更加廣泛、更具有時代感。


Unit1Text LoveReading Skills Previewing(1)Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedHome Reading A WonderfulPresentUnit2Text Little House in the Big WoodsReading SkilIs Previewing(II)Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedHomeReading TheAmerican CowboyUnit3Text Young William ShakespeareTesting Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedHomeReading TheBestPlaywrightinEnglandUnit4Text Migratory Birds and CoffeeReading Skills Understanding the TopicTesting Your Reading Comprehension and Speedttome Reading InsectsUtin5Text CheatingReading Skills Determining the Main IdeaTesting Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedHome Reading Stolen DayUtin6TlextFools Parad~eTesting Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedHome Reading Sleeping UglyUtin7Text The Call ofthe Wild(1)ReadingSkills GuessingtheMeaningofWordsfrom the Context(1)Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedHome Reading The Call ofthe Wild(1I)Utin8Text Two Boxes ofGold(1)Reading Skills GuessingtheMeaningofWordsfi.om the Context(II)Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedHome Reading Two Boxes ofGold(II)Utin9Text Techniques ThatMight Smile upon Mona LisaTesting Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedHome Reading Shanghai Expo 7brns Spotlight on NationsUtin10Utin11Utin12Utin13


  “Make it three.” said Miserella to the fairy,“and Ill get us home.”  Plain Jane smiled again. The birds began to sing.“My home is your home.”said Jane. “I like your manners,”said the fairy.“And for that good thought,Ill give three wishes to you.”  Princess Miserella was not pleased. She stamped her foot.“Do that again,”said the fairy,taking a pine wand from her pocket,“and Ill turn your foot to stone.”Just to be mean,Miserell a stamped her foot again. It turned to stone.  Plain Jane sighed.“My first wish is that you change her foot back.”  The fairy made a face.“I like your manners,but not your taste,”she said to Jane.“Still,a wish is a wish.”The fairy moved the wand. The princess shook her foot. It was no longer made of stone.  “Guess my foot fell asleep for a moment,”said MisereUa. She really liked to lie.“Besides,”the princess said,“that was a stupid way to waste a wish.”  The fairy was angry.“Do not call someone stupid unless you have been properly in troduced,”she said,“or are a member of the family.”  “Stupid,stupid,stupid,”said Miserella. She hated to be told what to do.  “Say stupid again,”warned the fairy, holding up her wand,“and 1 will make toads come out of your mouth.”  “Stupid!”shouted Miserella. As she said it a great big toad dropped out of her mouth.  “Cute,”said Jane,picking up the toad,“and I do like toads,but…”  “But?”asked the fairy. Miserella did not open her mouth. Toads were among her least favorite animals.  “But,”said Plain Jane,“my second wish is that you get rid of the mouth toads.”  “Shes lucky it wasn’t mouth elephants.”mumbled the fairy. She waved the pine wand. Miserella opened her mouth slowly. Nothing came out but her tongue. She pointed it at the fairy.  Princess Miserella looked miserable. That made her look beautiful,too.“I definitely have had enough.”she said.“1 want to go home.”She grabbed Plain Janes arm.  “Gendy, gendy,”said the old fairy, shaking her head.“If you are not gentle with magic none of us will go anywhere.’’  “You can go where you want,”said Miserella,“but here is only one place 1 want to go.”  “To sleep!”said the fairy, who was now much too mad to remember to be gentle. She waved her wand so hard she hit the wall ofJanes house.  The wall broke. The wand broke. The spell broke. And before Jane could make her third wish,all three of them were asleep.  It was one of those famous hundred-year-naps that need a prince and a kiss to end them.  So they slept and slept in the cottage in the wood. They slept through three and a half wars,one plague,six new kings,the invention of the sewing machine,and the discovery of a new continent. The cottage was deep in the woods so very few princes passed by. And none of the ones who did PvPn tried the door.






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