
出版時間:2011-10  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:李少凡,孫博華 主編  頁數(shù):298  




Chapter 1 Atomistic to Continuum Modeling of DNA
 1.1 Introduction
 1.2 Statistical models for DNAs -- polymer elasticity
  1.2.1 The freely jointed chain (FJC) model
  1.2.2 The worm-like chain (WLC) model
  1.2.3 Beyond the entropic regime
  1.2.4 Long-range electrostatic effects
  1.3 Atomistic modeling of DNA molecules
  1.3.1 MD basic theory
  1.3.2 Force fields for nucleic acids
  1.3.3 Limitations and challenges
  1.3.4 MD simulation of DNA stretching
  1.4 Continuum DNA models
  1.4.1 Kirchhoff's elastic Rod model for DNAs
  1.4.2 Finite element (FE) analysis, of DNAs
  1.4.3 Director field method for modeling of DNA viral
 1.5 Multiscale homogenization for simulation of DNA
  1.5.1 Basics of multiscale wavelet projection method
  1.5.2 First-level homogenization-- wavelet-based
coarse-grained DNA model
  1.5.3 Second-level homogenization-- hyperelastic beam
formulation for DNA
  1.5.4 Applications
 1.6 Conclusion
Appendix: Wavelet and decomposition coefficients
for linear spline function
Chapter 2 Computational Contact Formulations for Soft Body
Chapter 3 Soft Matter Modeling of Biological Cells.
Chapter 4 Modeling the Mechanics of Semiflexible Biopoly- mer
Networks: Non-afIine Deformation and Presence of Long-range
Chapter 5 Atomic Scale Monte-Carlo Studies of Entropic
Elasticity Properties of Polymer Chain Molecules
Chapter 6 Continuum Models of Stimuli-responsive gels
Chapter 7 Micromechanics of 3D Crystallized Protein
Chapter 8 Micromechanical Modeling of Three- dimensional
Open-cell Foams
Chapter 9 Capillary Adhesion of Micro-beams and Plates: A
Color Plots


  collagenous connective tissues, battery substrates and paper products amongmany others. For example, the cytoskeleton is a random network of filamen-tous proteins: filamentous actin (F-actin), microtubules and intermediatefilaments. This network is rendered active by the presence of myosin motormolecules and has a complex role in the mechanics of the cell, the transportof biomolecules within the cytoplasm and in chemo-mechanical transductionand signaling[l-3l. The cytoskeleton is an out-of-equilibrium network whichconstantly remodels itself in response to external stimuli using a large num-ber of binding and cross-linking proteins interacting with the cytoskeletalfilaments. Fiber networks may also be exploited by several infectious bac-teria for self-propulsion[4,51. The bacterial pathogen listeria monocytogenes,responsible for more than 2000 annual illnesses and deaths in US, form a fil-amentous comet tail by taking over the host cell actin machinery. The comettail is a complex network of cross-linked filaments which are constantly poly-merized and depolymerized to generate forces to propel the bacteria withinthe cytoplasm of the infected cells and into the other neighboring cells. Thelocal elasticity of these media determines to a large extent cellular growthrates. Connective tissues (CTs) such as cartilage and tendon belong to an-other category of biological fibrous networks. The mechanical functionality ofCTs derives directly from the structure and composition of their extracellularmatrix (ECM). ECM is a network of insolub  e fibrils (e.g., collagen, elastin)and soluble proteoglycan polymers. It is responsible for carrying stresses andmaintaining tissue shape while infiuencing a large number of other biologi-cal properties and functions of the tissue. In any connective tissue, the con-stituents are meticulously arrangedinside the extracellular matrix to optimizethe function of that specific tissue.   ……



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