
出版時間:2011-10  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:董玲,陳克非 著  頁數(shù):373  


  《密碼協(xié)議:基于可信任新鮮性的安全性分析(英文版)》主要介紹如何利用系統(tǒng)工程思想和可信任新鮮性的方法,分析和設(shè)計密碼通信協(xié)議。作者基于可信任的新鮮性標識符概念,提出了一個新穎的新鮮性原則。該原則指出了一種有效的、易用的密碼協(xié)議安全性分析方法。使用這種分析方法,可以有效檢驗協(xié)議在實際應(yīng)用中能否滿足安全需要。此外,書中給出大量的分析實0例,詳細說明如何基于概率定義安全性,如何將安全指標定量化,如何針對具體的協(xié)議尋找漏洞,如何自動實現(xiàn)協(xié)議漏洞的查找,等等?!  睹艽a協(xié)議:基于可信任新鮮性的安全性分析(英文版)》總結(jié)了作者近年來的研究成果,這些成果的有效性和易用性對從事通信協(xié)議安全性研究的人員,特別是工程技術(shù)人員,具有很好的參考和實用價值。董玲網(wǎng)絡(luò)系統(tǒng)建設(shè)和信息安全領(lǐng)域高級工程師,上海交通大學(xué)密碼與信息安全實驗室兼職教授、研究興趣是信息安全和應(yīng)用密碼學(xué),特別是實際應(yīng)用的密碼通信協(xié)議和密碼系統(tǒng)的安全性分析。陳克非上海交通大學(xué)計算機科學(xué)與工程系教授,長期從事密碼與信息安全理論研究。主要研究興趣是序列密碼、可證明安全、密碼協(xié)議分析、數(shù)據(jù)安全。近年來承擔(dān)多項國家自然科學(xué)基金、國家高技術(shù)研究發(fā)展計劃(863計劃),發(fā)表學(xué)術(shù)論文150多篇,編輯出版學(xué)術(shù)著作7部。


1 Introduction of Cryptographic Protocols
2 Background of Cryptographic Protocols
3 Engineering Principles for Security Desing of Protocols
4 Informal Analysis Schemes of Cryptographic Protocols
5 Security Analysis of Real World Protocols
6 Guarantee of Cryptographic Protocol Security
7 Formalism of Protocol Security Analysis
8 Desing of Cryptograhic Protocols Based on Trusted
9 Automated Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols Based on Trusted


  Over the ages,information was typically stored and transmitted on paper,whereas much of it now resides on magnetic media and iS transmitted via computer networks.As we all know.it iS much easier to copy and alterinformation stored and transmitted electronically than that on paper.Infor-mation security intends to provide security services for information in digitalform·Information security objectives include confidentiality,data integrity,authentication,non-repudiation,access control,availability,fairness and SO on·Computer and network security research and development foCUS on thefirst four general security services,from which other security services,such as access control,and fairness can be derived[卜引.Many terms and COnceptsin this book are from Ref_[1]which is well addressed.For strict 0r inquisitive readers,please refer to book 11 for detailed information.一Confidentiality is a service used to keep the content of information from aU but those authorized to have it.That is,the information in a computer systern or transmitted information cannot be comprehended by unau- thorized parties·Secrecy IS a term synonymous with confidentiality and privacy.   ……



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