
出版時間:2010-11  出版社:佩克(John Peck)、科伊爾(Martin Coyle)、 王守仁 高等教育出版社 (2010-11出版)  作者:(英) (佩克Peak) (J.) (英) (科伊爾Coyl  頁數(shù):254  




作者:(英國)佩克(John Peck) (英國)科伊爾(Martin Coyle) 合著者:王守仁


1 Old English LiteratureBeowulf'The Seafarer' and 'The Wanderer'Battle Poems and 'The Dream of the Rood'Old English Language2 Middle English LiteratureFrom the Norman Conquest to ChaucerJulian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, Sir Gawain and the Green KnightGeoffrey Chaucer, William Dunbar, Robert HenrysonWilliam Langland, Medieval Drama, Thomas Malory3 Sixteenth-Century Poetry and ProseSir Thomas WyattSixteenth-Century Prose and the ReformationThe Sonnet: Sir Philip Sidney and William ShakespeareEdmund Spenser4 ShakespeareShakespeare in ContextShakespeare's Comedies and HistoriesShakespeare's TragediesShakespeare's Late Plays5 Renaissance and Restoration DramaRenaissance Drama and Christopher MarloweElizabethan and Jacobean Revenge TragedyBen Jonson and the MasqueRestoration Drama6 Seventeenth-Century Poetry and ProseJohn DonneFrom Ben Jonson to John Bunyan and Andrew MarvellJohn MiltonJohn Dryden7 The Eighteenth CenturyAlexander PopeThe Augustan AgeEdward Gibbon, Samuel JohnsonSensibility8 The Novel: The First Hundred YearsDaniel DefoeAphra Behn, Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding, Laurence Sterne, Tobias SmollettFrom Eliza Hay-wood to Mary ShelleyWalter Scott and Jane Austen9 The Romantic PeriodThe Age of RevolutionWilliam Blake, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor ColeridgeLord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John KeatsRadical Voices10 Victorian Literature, 1837-1857Charles DickensCharlotte and Emily BronteWilliam Makepeace Thackeray; Elizabeth GaskellAlfred Lord Tennyson, Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Browning11 Victorian Literature, 1857-1876Victorian ThinkersGeorge EliotWilkie Collins and the Sensation NovelAnthony Trollope, Christina Rossetti12 Victorian Literature, 1876-190113 The Twentieth Century: The Early Years14 The Twentieth Century: Between the Wars15 The Twentieth Century: The Second World War to the End of the Millennium16 PostscriptPeriods of English Literature and LanguageChronologyFurther Reading


版權頁:It is easy to construct a coherent overview of seventeenth-century poetry; whether such an overview has any validity, however, is open to question. Spenser, as the greatest non-dramatic poet of the sixteenth century, continued to be an influence, but we have to wait until John Milton to see a poet as ambitious as Spenser. Milton, however, has to be seen as rather detached from the poetic fashion of his day, whereas Donne both typifies and dictates the fashion. The so-called Metaphysical poets of the 1630s, 1640s and 1650s - George Herbert, Richard Crashaw, Henry Vaughan and Andrew Marvell - all work in a manner initiated by Donne. Ben Jonson, on the other hand, favoured a more restrained form of social poetry. Amongst those who fell under his influence were the 'Cavalier' poets: Richard Lovelace, Sir John Suckling and Thomas Carew, as well as Robert Herrick and Edmund Waller. Jonson would also, in the course of time, prove a major influence on the neo-classical approach of John Dryden, the writer who, specifically in his satirical poems, seems to embody the spirit of the Restoration period.What complicates the issue immediately is the fact that writers who were influenced by, say, Jonson, were just as likely to have been influenced by Donne. The real problem in presenting an overview of the century's poetry, however, is the fact that a summary creates an impression of coherent change and development; whereas a more accurate impression is of variety and confusion. Indeed, in poem after poem there is an emphasis on the perplexing nature of life, a stance that is substantiated by the use of rhetorical devices such as paradox and antithesis, conceit and hyperbole. These rhetorical devices convey a sense of the complex and contradictory nature of experience. The security, such as it was, of the medieval world has been left behind, the poetry of the seventeenth century reflecting a world that has, in a variety of ways but perhaps most clearly with the execution of King Charles I by Parliament, in 1649, been turned Upside down.


《英國文學簡史》:A Brief History of English Literatureoffers an engaging chronological narrative of all the main literary periodsplaces texts in their social, political, and cultural contextscovers canonical and non-canonical textswill appeal to literature students and the general reader alike



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  •   幫別人買的。很不錯。應該是正版
  •   挺有用的一本參考書!
  •   英語很地道,分析很透徹,很有內涵。
  •   中文這樣,遑論英文。好的中文應該是樸實、簡潔、流暢、達意的,好中文配好英文才相得益彰。喜歡畫龍點睛之效,不好畫蛇添足之果。中文和英文在文體上的重大區(qū)別是:中文短句居多,言簡意遠,但不是一味地短,更非一味地長,而是以短為主,長短結合,跌宕起伏,一氣呵成,這涉及審美,類同音樂、繪畫、書法。中西思維有涇渭分明的一面。學外語,有二喜:外語地道,母語更好;有二怕:外語蹩腳,母語丟掉。有感南大老校長匡亞明先生當年倡導開設大學語文,用心可謂良苦!導讀中“長期以來,國內一直缺乏一本適合英語專業(yè)本科教學的英文版英國文學史”之說不知從何而來?作者是英語教學圈內人嗎?事實上,最近三十年來,國內出版的供本科教學用的英文版英國文學史,以我的孤陋寡聞,知道的就有陳嘉《英國文學史》、劉炳善《英國文學簡史》、常耀信《英國文學簡史》、張定銓吳剛《新編簡明英國文學史》、王麗麗《二十世紀英國文學史》、索金梅《英國文學史》、劉意青《簡明英國文學史》、李增《簡明英國文學史》、王松林朱衛(wèi)紅《英國文學史》、外教社BOOZ《現(xiàn)代英國文學簡介》、外研社《哥倫比亞英國小說史》及《哥倫比亞英國詩歌史》......應該不下十來種吧。這些教材各具特點,為高校英國文學的教學提供了便利。本人愚鈍,導讀中有兩句話,求而不得甚解,茲摘抄如下,望高人指教:“第七章18世紀的論述對象是除小說...以外的詩歌和散文創(chuàng)作,詩歌方面涉及到蒲柏的諷刺詩和以情感為主題的感傷主義詩歌,探討了諷刺為什么成為17世紀末至18世紀上半葉詩歌表達主要形式的原因?!?、“第二、第三節(jié)結合具體作品分析布萊克、華茲華斯、柯勒律治、拜倫、雪萊、濟慈等六位浪漫主義詩人的創(chuàng)作思想和實踐,確立主觀想象在浪漫主義文學中的中心地位,并賦予濟慈有關自我、性和欲望的意識新的意義和價值。”。我不明白,是為什么成為原因還是為什么成為詩歌表達主要形式?詩歌表達主要形式是指詩歌表達的主要形式、詩歌要表達主要形式、主要的詩歌表達形式還是詩歌主要的表達形式?同樣地,看到第二句的“賦予、意識、意義、價值”等詞時,看到這迂回曲折的句子時,像劉姥姥走進大觀園,頭就暈了,禁不起這西風美雨,是不是我這個中國人的思維不大適應洋詞和洋句?By Julius Rowe 閱讀更多 ›
  •   此書在國外網站上的信息與此處不同,國外網站頁數(shù)為 365 頁, 這里才 ? 這本書是很好,如果是正版引進的話,兩位作者都是 英國卡迪夫大學的 教授 。

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