
出版時(shí)間:2011-1  出版社:高等教育  作者:伊輝春 編  頁(yè)數(shù):209  


  《外貿(mào)英語(yǔ)信函寫作》共分13個(gè)模塊,除第一模塊外,每個(gè)模塊精選優(yōu)秀信例作為“來函”,“點(diǎn)評(píng)”分析來信意圖及其寫作技巧,并以來信為背景提出回復(fù)要求,按照“參考結(jié)構(gòu)”完成“回復(fù)”,從而構(gòu)成一個(gè)完整的案例?!锻赓Q(mào)英語(yǔ)信函寫作》以崗位技能養(yǎng)成為目標(biāo),突出寫作訓(xùn)練,強(qiáng)調(diào)實(shí)用性。為了方便學(xué)習(xí)寫作,《外貿(mào)英語(yǔ)信函寫作》在剔除陳舊老套用語(yǔ)的基礎(chǔ)上,大量收集了外貿(mào)信函寫作中常用的術(shù)語(yǔ)、句型和語(yǔ)句,按照寫作要點(diǎn)整理、歸類,企望借此幫助學(xué)生最大限度地?cái)[脫由英語(yǔ)基礎(chǔ)薄弱所造成的語(yǔ)言束縛?!  锻赓Q(mào)英語(yǔ)信函寫作》可作為高職高專商貿(mào)類相關(guān)專業(yè)的教材,也可作為企業(yè)在職人員的培訓(xùn)和自學(xué)用書。


Module 1 Introduction(簡(jiǎn)介)Part Ⅰ The Structure of a Business Letter(外貿(mào)信函的結(jié)構(gòu))Part Ⅱ The Layout of a Business Letter(外貿(mào)信函的格式)Part Ⅲ Business Letter-Writing(商業(yè)書信的撰寫)Part Ⅳ Sentences(常用語(yǔ)句)Part Ⅴ Linkage(知識(shí)鏈接)Module 2 Establishing Business Relations(建立外貿(mào)關(guān)系)Part Ⅰ Writing Techniques(寫作技巧)Part Ⅱ Received Letters&Replies(來函與回復(fù))Case 1(案例一)Case 2(案例二)Part Ⅲ English for Reference(參考英語(yǔ))Part Ⅳ Practical Writing(應(yīng)用寫作)Part Ⅴ Linkage(知識(shí)鏈接)Module 3 Promotion(促銷)Part Ⅰ Writing Techniques(寫作技巧)Part Ⅱ Received Letters&Replies(來函與回復(fù))Case 1(案例一)Case 2(案例二)Part Ⅲ English for Reference(參考英語(yǔ))Part Ⅳ Practical Writing(應(yīng)用寫作)Part Ⅴ Linkage(知識(shí)鏈接)Module 4 Enquiries and Quotations(詢價(jià)與報(bào)價(jià))Part Ⅰ Writing Techniques(寫作技巧)Part Ⅱ Received Letters & Replies(來函與回復(fù))Case 1(案例一)Case 2(案例二)Part Ⅲ English for Reference(參考英語(yǔ))Part Ⅳ Practical Writing(應(yīng)用寫作)Part Ⅴ Linkage(知識(shí)鏈接)Module 5 Offers and Counteroffers(報(bào)盤與還盤)Part Ⅰ Writing Techniques(寫作技巧)Part Ⅱ Received Letters&Replies(來函與回復(fù))Case 1(案例一)Case 2(案例二)Part Ⅲ English for Reference(參考英語(yǔ))Part Ⅳ Practical Writing(應(yīng)用寫作)Part Ⅴ Linkage(知識(shí)鏈接)Module 6 Order(訂單)Part Ⅰ Writing Techniques(寫作技巧)Part Ⅱ Received Letters&Replies(來函與回復(fù))Case 1(案例一)Case 2(案例二)Part Ⅲ English for Reference(參考英語(yǔ))Part Ⅳ Practical Writing(應(yīng)用寫作)Part Ⅴ Linkage(知識(shí)鏈接)Module 7 Payment(支付)Part Ⅰ Writing Techniques(寫作技巧)Part Ⅱ Received Letters&Replies(來函與回復(fù))Case 1(案例一)Case 2(案例二)Part Ⅲ English for Reference(參考英語(yǔ))Part Ⅳ Practical Writing(應(yīng)用寫作)Part Ⅴ Linkage(知識(shí)鏈接)Module 8 Credit(信用證)Part Ⅰ Writing Techniques(寫作技巧)Part Ⅱ Received Letters&Replies(來函與回復(fù))Case 1(案例一)Case 2(案例二)Part Ⅲ English for Reference(參考英語(yǔ))Part Ⅳ Practical Writing(應(yīng)用寫作)Part Ⅴ Linkage(知識(shí)鏈接)Module 9 Packing(包裝)Part Ⅰ Writing Techniques(寫作技巧)Part Ⅱ Received Letters&Replies(來函與回復(fù))Case 1(案例一)Case 2(案例二)Part Ⅲ English for Reference(參考英語(yǔ))Part Ⅳ Practical Writing(應(yīng)用寫作)Part Ⅴ Linkage(知識(shí)鏈接)Module 10 Insurance(保險(xiǎn))Part Ⅰ Writing Techniques(寫作技巧)Part Ⅱ Received Letters & Replies(來函與回復(fù))Case 1(案例一)Case 2(案例二)Part Ⅲ English for Reference(參考英語(yǔ))Part Ⅳ Practical Writing(應(yīng)用寫作)Part Ⅴ Linkage(知識(shí)鏈接)Module 11 Shipment(裝運(yùn))Part Ⅰ Writing Techniques(寫作技巧)Part Ⅱ Received Letters&Replies(來函與回復(fù))Case 1(案例一)Case 2(案例二)Part Ⅲ English for Reference(參考英語(yǔ))Part Ⅳ Practical Writing(應(yīng)用寫作)Part Ⅴ Linkage(知識(shí)鏈接)Module 12 Complaints and Claims(抱怨與索賠)Part Ⅰ Writing Techniques(寫作技巧)Part Ⅱ Received Letters&Replies(來函與回復(fù))Case 1(案例一)Case 2(案例二)Part Ⅲ English for Reference(參考英語(yǔ))Part Ⅳ Practical Writing(應(yīng)用寫作)Part Ⅴ Linkage(知識(shí)鏈接)Module 13 Agency(代理)Part Ⅰ Writing Techniques(寫作技巧)Part Ⅱ Received Letters&Replies(來函與回復(fù))Case 1(案例一)Case 2(案例二)Part Ⅲ English for Reference(參考英語(yǔ))Part Ⅳ Practical Writing(應(yīng)用寫作)Part Ⅴ Linkage(知識(shí)鏈接)References(參考文獻(xiàn))


  In reply to your letter of 31 August, 2009 inquiring about the packing of our Trip Scissors(旅行剪刀) , we state as follows:  Our export Trip Scissors are packed in boxes of one dozen each, 100 boxes to a car- ton. The dimensions of the carton are as follows: 17 cm high, 30 cm wide and 50 cm long with a volume(體積)of about 0. 026 cubic meters. The gross weight is 23.5 kg. The net weight is 22.5 kg. As to the shipping marks outside the carton, in addition to the gross, net weight and tare, the words "MADE IN THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA" is also stenciled on the package. Should you have any special preference in this respect, please let us know and we will meet your  need to the best of our ability.  We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that we used to pack our scissors in wooden cases but after several trial shipments m carton packing, we found our cart  ns were as seaworthy(適合海運(yùn)的)as wooden cases. Additionally, cartons are less expensive, lighter and cost lower freight. Recently, there has been a huge demand from our clients for carton packing to wooden case packing. We believe that you will agree this method of packing will be more profitable and cost-efficient for your company.



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