
出版時間:2010-9  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:覃朝憲  頁數(shù):235  




Unit OneGeneral Reading: You Are What You WearSpecial Purpose Reading: What Is Academic Writing?Test-based ReadingPleasure Reading: Were Just BeginningUnit TwoGeneral Reading: The Final Stage of GrowthSpecial Purpose Reading: How to Single out a TopicTest-based ReadingPleasure Reading: Facing the Enemy WithinUnit ThreeGeneral Reading: The ChaserSpecial Purpose Reading: How to Quote and ParaphraseTest-based ReadingPleasure Reading: Paradox of Our TimesUnit FourGeneral Reading: The Theme of the Three CasketsSpecial Purpose Reading: How to Compose a Strong Thesis StatementTest-based ReadingPleasure Reading: Ten Valuable Tips of Albert EinsteinUnit FiveGeneral Reading: Eat Yourself FitterSpecial Purpose Reading. How to Outline an Academic PaperTest-based ReadingPleasure Reading: YouthUnit SixGeneral Reading: Relationships: What We All WantSpecial Purpose Reading: How to Draft an AbstractTest-based ReadingPleasure Reading: AmbitionUnit SevenGeneral Reading: The Russell-Einstein ManifestoSpecial Purpose Reading: How to Formulate an IntroductionTest-based ReadingPleasure Reading: When Love Beckons YouUnit EightGeneral Reading: The Selfish GeneSpecial Purpose Reading: How to Compose a Central PartTest-based ReadingPleasure Reading. Be HappyUnit NineGeneral Reading: Stop Blaming Working MomsSpecial Purpose Reading: How to Round off a ConclusionTest-based ReadingPleasure Reading: To Be or Not to BeUnit TenGeneral Reading: Success Means Never Feeling TiredSpecial Purpose Reading: How to Write a SummaryTest-based ReadingPleasure Reading: Gettysburg AddressAnswer Keys & TranslationUnit OneUnit TwoUnit ThreeUnit FourUnit FiveUnit SixUnit SevenUnit EightUnit NineUnit Ten


  Nevertheless, sales do offer a special opportunity for sharp practices and shoppers need to be extra critical. For example, the "second" should be clearly marked as such and not sold as if they were perfect. The term "substandard", incidentally, usually indicates a more serious defect than "seconds". More serious is the habit of marking the price down from an alleged previous price which is in fact fictitious. Mis-description of this and all other kinds is much practiced by the men who run one-day sales of carpets in church halls and the like. As the sellers leave the district the day after the sale there is little possibility of redress. In advertising sales, shops may say "only 100 left" when in fact they have plenty more: conversely they may say "10,000 at half-price" when only a few are available at such a drastic reduction. If ever the warning "let the buyer beware" were necessary it is during sales.



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