
出版時間:2011-6  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:《英語》系列教材編寫組 編  頁數(shù):181  




Unit 1 The Education I ReceivedIntegrated Skills Development Dialogue A. I Went to Yale University B. I Enjoyed My Time in North University Passage A. Caroline as a Teacher B. There Is No Substitute for Hard Work Applied Writing Pick Up Your Grammar Merry Learning Words & PhrasesUnit 2 Your Resumwe II Integrated Skills Development Dialogue A. How to Write a Resume? B. Is My Resume All Right? Passage A. Resume B. Learning Is a Life-long Task Applied Writing Pick Up Your Grammar Merry Learning Words & Phrases Unit 3 I Want to Further My Study AbroadIntegrated Skills Development Dialogue A. MaylAskYou Some Questions? B. Thank You for the Help Passage A. An Au Pair Girl B. OfficeHour Applied Writing Pick Up Your Grammar Merry Learning Words & Phrases Unit 4 Tourist InformationIntegrated Skills Development Dialogue A. At a Travel Agent's B. Tourist Information Passage A. Holidays B. Saving for Holidays Applied Writing Pick Up Your Grammar Merry Learning Words & Phrases Unit 5 Traveling in China (I)Integrated Skills Development Dialogue A. Finding Accommodation B. A Conducted Tour Passage A. Planning a Trip B. Danger at the Beach Applied Writing Pick Up Your Grammar Merry Learning Words & Phrases Unit 6 Traveling in China (11)Integrated Skills Development Dialogue A. A Visit to Dalian B. Mr. and Mrs. Wright in Dalian Passage A. Beijing Travel Agency B. I Hate Flying Applied Writing Pick Up Your Grammar Merry Learning Words & Phrases Test I (Unit 1 —— Unit 6) ……Unit 7 Welcome!Unit 8 Help Yourself,PleaseUnit 9 An lnvitation CardUnit 10 Asking the Way lndoorsUnit 11 Asking the Way OutdoorsUnit 12 The Changes in My Hometown Test(Unit7-Unit 12)Vocabulary Useful Expressions and Phrases



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