
出版時間:2010-10  出版社:高等教育  作者:朱華//朱紅  頁數(shù):136  




Unit One Preparations for DepartureChapter 1 Flight ReservationPart One Speak and LearnDialogue 1 Group TicketsDialogue 2 Discount for Group TicketsPart Two Listen and LearnFrequent Flyer ProgramPart Three Play and LearnHow to Find Cheap Airfare?Part Four ConsolidationI. Story-retelling: Who Was That Guy I Had to Share the Room with?Ⅱ. Dialogue-makingChapter 2 Check-in at the AirportPart One Speak and LearnDialogue 1 Confirmation of Airline SeatsDialogue 2 Baggage Check-inPart Two Listen and LearnABC About Baggage Check-inPart Three Play and LearnHow to Fly Stand-by?Part Four ConsolidationI. Story-retelling: Waiting at the AirportⅡ. Dialogue-makingChapter 3 Airport SecurityPart One Speak and LearnDialogue 1 ContrabandDialogue 2 Medicines in Carry-on LuggagePart Two Listen and LearnDo I Have to Declare Gifts?Part Three Play and LearnHow to Get Through Airport Security Quickly?Part Four ConsolidationI. Story-retelling: MiracleⅡ. Dialogue-makingChapter 4 Ready for BoardingPart One Speak and LearnDialogue 1 Waiting for Boarding in the AirportDialogue 2 Boarding Pass, PleasePart Two Listen and LearnABC About Boarding PassPart Three Play and LearnHow to Get Money Back Due to Flight Cancellation?……Unit Two On RouteChapter 5 Upgrading Airline SeatsChapter 6 In-flight ServiceChapter 7 Ready for LandingChapter 8 Arrival at AirportUnit Three AccommodationChapter 9 Check-inChapter 10 Check-outUnit Four TransportationChapter 11 Service for Rental CarsChapter 12 Travel by Cruise LinerUnit Five CateringChapter 13 Reserving a TableChapter 14 Splitting the BillsUnit Six RecreationChapter 15 Recreational ActivitiesChapter 16 Entertainment ItemsUnit Seven SightseeingChapter 17 Travel Around AmericaChapter 18 Travel Around America and Canada后記


版權(quán)頁:插圖:Once upon a time, there lived a poor hat seller in a small village in India. He earned his livelihood stitching hats and selling them in the neighboring villages. Once when going to another village through a forest, he fell asleep under a tree. When he woke up, he was surprised to find his basket empty and all the hats missing. Then he noticed a troop of monkeys sitting in the tree wearing his hats. He came up with a brilliant idea to retrieve his hats. He lifted the hat on his head and threw it to the ground. Out of their aping habits the monkeys followed suit. The hat seller then collected all the hats and triumphantly proceeded to the market.As the years passed by, the hat seller's grandson had to pass through the same forest to sell hats in another village. His grandpa told him of the monkeys, and how he outsmarted them before. He warned the grandson to be careful and use his trick if the monkeys cause any trouble.So the grandson sets forth on his journey. While passing through the forest, he gets tired and falls asleep to wake up and find the basket empty and all the hats gone. Then he notices the monkeys on the tree wearing the hats. So he hurls his hat to the ground expecting the monkeys to do the same. All this time, there is a young hatless monkey sitting in the tree. This monkey jumps down from the tree, quickly picks up the grandson's hat and puts it on his head.






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