
出版時間:2010-9  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:《大學體驗英語》項目組 編  頁數(shù):225  


  《大學體驗英語視聽說教程》是普通高等教育“十一五”國家級規(guī)劃教材——《大學體驗英語》立體化系列教材的重要組成部分?!洞髮W體驗英語視聽說教程》在充分貫徹體驗式、研究性教學理念的前提下,依據(jù)《大學英語課程教學要求》,針對學生開展有效視聽和口語交際的訓』練,重點培養(yǎng)學生的英語綜合運用能力,提高學生用英語獨立思考和自由表達的能力以及終身自主學習、自我發(fā)展的能力,真正實現(xiàn)大學英語教學的培養(yǎng)目標?!  洞髮W體驗英語視聽說教程》的編寫采用主題導航模式,各單元音視頻材料、視聽活動、口語任務、補充閱讀及項目設計等均圍繞同一主題展開。本教程單元主題總體與《大學體驗英語綜合教程》保持一致,選材注重實用性和教育性,兼顧知識性與趣味性,力求將思想內涵、語言、文化和技能有機融合。  《大學體驗英語視聽說教程》以最新原版英語視聽資料為載體,以學生自主性與探究性學習為手段,以英語綜合應用能力及多元人文素質培養(yǎng)為目標,依托項目化語言技能訓練培養(yǎng)學生的英語綜合學習能力,依托獨特的任務驅動設計提高學生的研究能力與創(chuàng)新能力,依托網(wǎng)絡自主式學習模式開發(fā)學生的學習潛能。  本系列教程主要具有以下特色:  1.自主探究式學習與團隊協(xié)作式學習相結合  本系列教程突出強調培養(yǎng)學生的自主學習意識,提高其自主學習能力,開發(fā)學生的學習潛能。不同于傳統(tǒng)視聽說教程,本系列教程在單元內容編排上打破“視、聽、說”的局限,在單元熱身部分引入以自主探究式學習方式為主的課前閱讀和與主題相關的搜索任務。每個單元還包含一個精心設計的團隊項目,從項目實施到成果展示配有一系列相關任務,通過組織團隊相互質詢與評議鍛煉學生信息搜索、團隊協(xié)作、英語口語表達等能力。這些拓展和嘗試旨在為學生創(chuàng)造一個自主探究式學習與團隊協(xié)作式學習緊密結合、相互促進的英語學習環(huán)境,有效提高學生的綜合素質?! ?.人文素養(yǎng)提高與品格教育兼顧  本系列教程從主題確定到篇目選擇都充分考慮到學生人文素養(yǎng)的提高和優(yōu)秀品格的培養(yǎng),力求實現(xiàn)寓人文素養(yǎng)與品格教育于外語學習之中。本系列教程在單元開篇引入與主題相關的名人名言,在主題選擇中有意識地選取了名人演講、訪談、大學生心理問題探討、瀕危動物保護與老齡化問題、科技與商業(yè)以及網(wǎng)絡問題等內容融八教學中,開展勵志、解惑、公益、勸誡等方面的教育,以提高學生人文素養(yǎng),健全品格。  3.獨特的口語任務驅動設計保證交流的有效性  本系列教程充分考慮到90后大學生接受新生事物快、樂于參與的特點,采用獨特的口語任務驅動設計,通過模擬現(xiàn)實的情景和辯論,加強學生獨立分析問題和解決問題的能力,拓展學生的批評性思維,鼓勵獨到見解,培養(yǎng)會思考的一代。此外,本系列教程在任務設計上注重不同專業(yè)學生的可參與性、活動的趣味性和啟迪性,激發(fā)學生在活動中主動運用所學知識,在知識運用中檢驗自己所學,彌補不足。




Unit 1 Men and Women's Prejudices Unit 2 Challenges of Understanding a CultureUnit 3 CopyrightUnit 4 Secrets to Win the Chinese MarketUnit 5 Facing a Business CrisisUnit 6 Psychological Health Unit 7 Coping with the Climate CrisisUnit 8 GlobalizationAppendix Supplementary Reading


  Jean Chatzky: You absolutely have a problem. It's making people on both sides of the equation uncomfortable, women just as much as men.  Matt Lauer: Men are uncomfortable because cut to the chase, money is power.  Gail Saltz: Money is power and money, and power is masculinity. This has so much to do with what your view of it means to be masculine and feminine. And for both, it's very important for both because if you don't feel like your man is masculine, right? Then what does that say about your femininity?  Matt Laner: OK, just wait a second, we understand why the men get freaked out. Just, coz' they've been taught to say "I am the provider" (Right!) "I am the protector." But why exactly then are the women also (It's guilt.) uneasy with this guilt?Jean Chatzky: It's guilt, it's guilt for leaving the household, going out, out-earning your spouse, depriving him of that masculinity.  Gail Saltz: I think it's that exactly that. Depriving him of that.., it's, it's imagine if women could get to, what am I really guilty about. They think they are robbing their husband of his masculinity.  Matt Lauer: And at some point, don't they start to question whether their husband's really trying as hard as he should be, and, and is he a slacker in some cases?  Gail Saltz: I think that's defensively somewhat to relieve their guilt. Well maybe he's being a slacker, it's not me robbing him of it. But of course there is a wish to have an equal parmer and feel provided for too on the part of the woman.  ……



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