
出版時間:2011-3  出版社:徐小貞、張麗蓮、 楊文明 高等教育出版社 (2011-03出版)  作者:徐小貞,張麗蓮,楊文明 編  頁數(shù):244  


  《國際商務管理(英文版)》的編寫借鑒英國國家職業(yè)資格證書(NVQ)教育科學的教學指導思想、先進實用的育人理念、以學生為中心的教學方法、模塊化的教學方式、重在過程的多元化教學評價、強調就業(yè)能力的素質教育實踐,從選材、體例到評價都體現(xiàn)了國際上先進的職業(yè)教育理念。  《國際商務管理(英文版)》率先應用多元化評價體系,教材中配備了操作性強、評估標準明確的“教學評估指導”,要求教學雙方實施評估標準、內容、形式、方法、主體、時段的多元化。多元化評估有利于客觀地評估學生的職業(yè)能力和促進學生持續(xù)地學習,培養(yǎng)學生良好的自學能力和自我評價能力。


Chapter 1 Foundations of ManagementPart I Defining ManagementPart II The Essence of ManagementPart III The Development of Management ThoughtsChapter 2 Business OrganizationsPart I Business PlanningPart II Organization Charts and Organization StructurePart III Forms of Business OwnershipChapter 3 Strategic ManagementPart I Strategy and Strategic ManagementPart II The Strategic Management ProcessPart III Levels of StrategyChapter 4 Organizational CulturePart I Getting to Know Organizational CulturePart II Identifying Types of Organizational CulturePart III Learning to Read Organizational CulturePart IV Diagnosing Organizational CultureChapter 5 Management CommunicationPart I Introduction to CommunicationPart II Dimensions of CommunicationPart III Organizational CommunicationChapter 6 Operations ManagementPart I Definition and Strategies of Operations ManagementPart II Operations ControlsPart III Production Processes and TechnologyChapter 7 Human Resource ManagementPart I IntroductionPart II Human Resource Management ActivitiesPart III Environmental Concerns and Current IssuesChapter 8 Financial ManagementPart I Accounting and Financial AnalysisPart II FinancingPart III Merger and AcquisitionChapter 9 Marketing ManagementPart I Developing and Pricing ProductsPart II Distributing ProductsPart III Promoting ProductsChapter 10 Project ManagementPart I Introduction to a ProjectPart II Project Life CyclePart IH Project ManagementAppendixAssessment GuidanceAimsAssessment Procedures and MethodsDemonstrating Knowledge and UnderstandingRoles of Student/AssessorAssessment CriteriaBibliography


版權頁:插圖:This first phase of the project life cycle involves the identification of a need, problem, or opportunity and can result in the customer's requesting proposals from individuals, a project team, or organizations (contractors) to address the identified need or solve the problem. The need and requirements are usually written up by the customer in a document called a request for proposal (RFP). Through the RFP, the customer then asks individuals or contractors to submit proposals on how they might solve the problem, along with the associated cost and schedule. A couple who need a new house may spend time identifying requirements for the house——size, style, number of rooms, location, maximum amount they want to spend, and date by which they would like to move in. They may then write down these requirements and ask several contractors to provide house plans and cost estimates. A company that has identified a need to upgrade its computer system might document its requirements in an RFP and send it to several computer consulting firms. Not all situations involve a formal RFP, however. Needs often are defined informally during a meeting or discussion among a group of individuals. Some of the individuals may then volunteer or be requested to prepare a proposal to determine whether a project should be undertaken to address the need. Such a scenario might be played out when the management of a hospital wants to establish an on-site day care center for the children of its employees. The management team or a specific manager may write down the requirements in a document and give it to an internal project team, which in turn will submit a proposal for how to establish the center. In this case, the contractor is the hospital's own internal project team, and the customer is the hospital's manager or, possibly, board of directors. It is important to define the fight need. For example, is the need to provide an on-site day care center, or is it to provide child care for the children of the hospital's employees? Is “on-site” necessarily part of the need?





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