出版時間:2011-1 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:威德曼 頁數(shù):196
Sciences Under Space Conditions describes the interaction of gravity with neuronal systems. To deliver the basic scientific and technological background, the structures of neuronal systems are described and platforms for gravity research are presented. The book is rounded off by information about the interaction of chemical model systems with gravity and some simulations, and results about the interaction of gravity with neuronal systems from single molecules to the entire human brain are demonstrated. This is the first book to give a complete overview about neurophysiological research under conditions of variable gravity. The book is intended for scientists in the field of space research, neurophysiology, and those who are interested in the control of non-linear systems by small external forces.
Dr. Meike Wiedemann and Dr. Florian P.M. Kohn are Biological Scientists in the Lab of Membranephysiology at the University of Hohenheim, Germany and have been working in the field of life sciences under space condition for some years. Prof. Harald Roesner has been working in the field of Neurophysiology and is now retired. Prof. Wolfgang R.L. Hanke is the leader of the Department of Membranephysiology at the University of Hohenheim.
Chapter I Introduction1.1 Historical remarks1.1. Gravitational research1.2 Excitable media and their control by small external forces1.3 Waves and oscillations in biological systems1.4 Book layoutReferencesChapter 2 Gravity2.1 Physical remarks2.2 Perception of gravity by living systemsReferencesChapter 3 Basic Structure of Neuronal SystemsReferencesChapter 4 Platforms for Gravitational Research4.1 Microgravity platforms4.1.1 Short term platforms4.1.2 Long term platforms4.1.3 Magnetic levitation4.2 Removing orientation4.2.1 Clinostats4.2.2 Random positioning machine4.3 Macro-gravity platforms4.3.1 CentrifugeReferencesChapter 5 A Model Systems for Gravity Research: The Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction5.1 Setup for the Belousov-Zhabotinsky experiments5.2 Preparation of gels for the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction5.3 Data evaluationReferencesChapter 6 Interaction of Gravity with Molecules andMembranes6.1 Bilayer experiments6.1.1 Hardware for the Microba mission6.1.2 Hardware for the drop-tower6.1.3 Hardware for parabolic flights6.1.4 Hardware for laboratory centrifuge6.1.5 Experimental results6.2 Patch-clamp experiments6.2.1 Principles of patch-clamp experiments6.2.2 Hardware for the drop-tower6.2.3 First hardware for parabolic flights6.2.4 For the drop-tower6.2.5 First parabolic flight experiment6.2.6 Second hardware for parabolic flights6.2.7 Second parabolic flight experiment6.2.8 First results and future perspectivesReferencesChapter 7 Behavior of Action Potentials Under Variable Gravity Conditions7.1 Introductory remarks7.2 Materials and methods7.3 Isolated leech neuron experiments7.4 Earthworm and nerve fiber experiments (rats and worms)7.5 DiscussionReferencesChapter 8 Fluorescence and Light Scatter Experiments to Investigate Cell Properues at Microgravity8.1 Fluorescence measurements to determine calcium influx and membrane potential changes8.1.1 Intracellular calcium concentration experiments8.1.2 Membrane potential experiments8.2 Light scatter experiments to determine changes in cell size8.2.1 Static light scatter8.2.2 Dynamic light scatterReferencesChapter 9 Spreading Depression: A Self-organized Excitation Depression Wave in Different Gravity Conditions9.1 The retinal spreading depression9.2 Gravity platforms used for retinal spreading depression experiments9.2.1 Methods Contents9.2.2 Experiment setup and protocol for spreading depression experiments in parabolic flights9.2.3 Experiment setup and protocol for spreading depression experiments on TEXUS sounding rocket9.2.4 Setup and protocol for spreading depression experiments in the centrifuge9.2.5 Data analysis9.3 Results9.3.1 Spreading depression experiments in parabolic flights and in the centrifuge9.3.2 Spreading depression experiments on sounding rockets and in the centrifuge9.3.3 Determination of latency of spreading depression waves in the centrifuge9.3.4 Summary of all spreading depression experiments on different gravity platforms9.4 Discussion9.4.1 Comment on different gravity platformsReferencesChapter 10 The Brain Itself in Zero-g10.1 Methods10.1.1 Slow cortical potentials (SCP)10.1.2 Classical frequency bands in EEG10.1.3 Peripheral psycho physiological parameters10.1.4 Protocol and data analysis10.1.5 Subjects10.1.6 Ethic10.2 Results10.2.1 Slow Cortical Potentials (SCP)10.2.2 Frequency band EEG10.2.3 Peripheral stress parameters10.3 Discussion10.3.1 Slow cortical potentials10.3.2 Frequency band EEG10.3.3 Peripheral parameters10.4 ConclusionReferencesChapter 11 Effects of Altered Gravity on the Actin and Mierotubule Cytoskeleton, Cell Migration and Neurite Outgrowth11.1 Summary11.2 Introductory remarks11.3 Material and methods11.3.1 Cell transfection11.3.2 Cell culture and experiments with SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells11.3.3 Cell migration experiments- Human carcinoma cell lines11.3.4 Scratch Migration Assay (SMA)11.3.5 Neurite outgrowth experiments-Primary cell culture of embryonic chicken spinal cord neurons11.3.6 Imunostaining of cells11.3.7 Staining of F-actin11.3.8 Microscopy and live imaging11.4 Results and discussion11.4.1 Effects of altered gravity on actin-driven lamellar protrusion of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells11.4.2 Effect of altered gravity on the microtubule cytoskeleton of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells11.4.3 Effects of altered gravity on cell migration11.4.4 Effects of altered gravity on the intensity and direction of neurite outgrowthReferencesChapter 12 Discussion and PerspectivesReferencesIndex
The question, which can be the cellular and further consequences of a higher open state probability is not that simple to be answered and will depend on the ion-channel under investigation. Up to now, only data for some specialized cases (model systems) are available, which are not to be applied to neuronal systems. However, let us speculate about the membrane of a neuron, having at least potassium channels to give the resting membrane potential and sodium channel to en- able action potentials (Hille, 1992; Weiss, 1997). The sodium channels are closed at rest; the potassium channels are permanently open at a non-zero open state probability. In a simplified discussion, closed sodium-channels would not be affected by gravity as the gating mechanism is of electrical nature, a depolarization of membrane across a threshold value. However, potassium channels as being open anyhow, would react to gravity changes, applying microgravity would lower their open state probability. Having the Goldman equation in mind (Weiss, 1997) this would lead to a membrane depolarization. As long as the threshold for sodium channels is not reached, no action potentials would be elicited, but further stimulation would more easily give an action potential. The next set of experiments which has to be taken into account then is those with spontaneously spiking neurons. A prediction from the above statements (speculations) would be that in this case the spike frequency should be higher at microgravity. Just that has been shown. Also, a direct measurement of membrane potential should result in less negative values. In the experiments utilizing voltage sensitive dyes accurately this has been shown. According to textbook knowledge (Hille, 1992), at depolarization of membrane potential, voltage sensitive calcium channels open in the cell membrane, calcium enters the cell, and the intracellular calcium concentration increases. This could not be verified, in some experiments instead it was shown that the intracellular calcium level at microgravity drops (see above). As the intracellular calcium concentration is a highly regulated value, this could be due to secondary effects, but will have again to be investigated more deeply.
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